Thursday, October 31, 2019
Evaluating Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Evaluating Human resource management - Essay Example But quite often a distinction is drawn between the Human Resources Management (HRM) and the labour management concentrating on the industrial relations of the large enterprises. However in the context of globalization the pressures exerted on HRM and labour Management initiatives have really changed the nature and scope of these distinct functions. "Changes in IR practices (rather than in institutions and systems) such as increased collective bargaining at enterprise level, flexibility in relation to forms of employment as well as in relation to working time and job functions have occurred as a result of such factors as heightened competition, rapid changes in products and processes and the increasing importance of skills, quality and productivity." ( Silva) These factors also seem to have an impact on the policies and practices of the HRM. In this context this paper presents an overview on the problems of labour management to the extent it affects the growth and progress of an organization and the role of the HRM in providing effective solutions to the problems being encountered in the labour management. "Enterprises driven by market pressures need to include in their goals improved quality and productivity, greater flexibility, continuous innovation, and the ability to change to respond rapidly to market needs and demands" ( Silva). Such enhanced organizational goals increase the efforts and commitment of the HRM in realizing the management goals. For this purpose the HRM has to shift its focus to largely depend on individualism rather than collectivism that result in the alignment of the pay systems to the individual performance and skill sets. Thus realizing the improved organizational goals call for an effective change management, larger involvement of employees, increased commitment from the employee side, provision of more training, soliciting more employee participation to exhibit team work and cooperation which are all the important HR initiatives. At the same time all these can be viewed as potential industrial relations issues needing an effective labour management. With this increased responsibilities "The dominant position towards which HRM is moving points to a "change in power relations and highlights the supremacy of management. The management prerogative is rediscovered but in place of command and control the emphasis is on commitment and control as quality, flexibility and competence replaces quantity, task and dumb obedience. To put it another way: the managerial agenda is increasingly focused on innovation, quality and cost reduction. Human resource management makes more demands on employees, work is intensified .... there is less room for managerial slack and for indulgency patterns." (John Purcell) 3.0 Objectives of Labour Management and HRM: In order to have an appreciation of the ways in which HRM can provide solutions to the labour management issues, it is important to understand the basic objectives of the labour manage
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Facilities management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Facilities management - Assignment Example iness of the owner organization (e.g., the core function of a school is teaching, and custodians or HVAC system maintenance personnel are support personnel.). It is the role of the facility management function (whether it is a separate department or small team) to coordinate and oversee the safe, secure, and environmentally-sound operations and maintenance of these assets in a cost effective manner aimed at long-term preservation of the asset value, and also other janitorial duties such as making sure the environment is properly cleaned and sanitized for its tenants. In those cases where the operation of the facility directly involves the occupants and/or customers of the owner organization, the satisfactory delivery of facility-related services to these people will be an important consideration too; hence, the term "end-user satisfaction" is often used both as a goal and a measure of performance. I further explain the topic by considering a case study of â€Å"THE GHERKINS â€Å" as a high performance work place to make the topic clearly understandable with examples that what are the key features that collectively cover the facility management field . CASE STUDY: The beautiful and exumberant 30 St Mary Axe, also famous as the Gherkin and the Swiss ReBuilding, is a skyscraper in Londons main financial district, the City of London . It was constructed in December 2003 and inaugurated in may 2004 . The building of 30 St Mary is situated on the former site of the Baltic Exchange building and it was designed by Norman Foster an his business partner Ken Shuttleworth and Arup Engineers and was erected by Skanska . The building consists of 40 floors and the building tower is 190 metres tall The eye-catching location of 30 St Mary makes it prominent for the beholders and its location is perfect for commercial and business purpose . As it is located at the centre of London’s financial district there are a number of major transport hubs , wide range of restaurants ,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Benefits Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay
Benefits Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Effects of Water Pollution: The effects of water pollution are wide-ranging and these are highly dependent upon the type of chemicals that are dumped into the major water sources. Water pollution has an adverse effect on plants and creatures living in the water. In nearly all situations, the effect is destructive not only to the areas and individual species, but also to the natural biological populations. Sources of Water Pollution: The sources of water contamination are classified as being a point source or a non-point source of contamination. Point Source: Point sources of contamination take place when the damaging substance is produced straight into the stream. Example of a Point Source: A pipe spewing toxic substances straight into a waterway is an example. Non-Point Source: A non-point source takes place while there is run-off of contaminants into a river. Example of a Non-Point Source: When fertilizer from a field is carried into a river by surface run-off. Cost of Water Pollution: In the leading inclusive evaluation of its kind, the SEI (Stockholm Environment Institute), grounded at Tufts University, has presented a white paper with a title Valuing Floridas Clean Water. The document discovers that plankton and red tide outbreaks produced by water contamination cost the Floridians around 1.3 billion dollars to 10.5 billion dollars every year. The EPA will decide soon either to accept the state-written water contamination plan or to step in with more powerful federal rules and administration. Why the Cost of Water Pollution is Measured: Water that is fresh in our sources, ponds, rivers, coves and oceanic masses provides clean water, numerous fish, oyster and crab populations, enjoyable and safe swimming and boating prospects and various other advantages, for example attractive water views, increased values of property and healthier aquatic life. When this fresh water becomes contaminated through excess sediments, nutrients or poisonous chemicals, it requires the cleaning up water and minimizing the chances for the occurrence of contamination. Moreover, there are several other expenses that result to travel and leisure loss, recreational and fisheries-based financial systems, the difficult-to-value and the property values, but impossible to substitute environments, animals and plants that are really dependent upon healthier waters. Benefits of Water Pollution: There can be various advantages to certain kinds of fish or sea creatures. Such as, a species of carp may not be impacted much by contaminated water, but a trout-fish will die from the contamination. Therefore, the carp will possess the advantage by having no other fish to contest with for finding the food and region. Hence, the carp specie will grow in a better way. Though, there are valuable things that are the reasons for the occurrence of water contamination. Manufacturing plants, energy production plants, oil drilling rigs and chemical manufacturers all offer powerful advantages to community, but unfortunately, this leads to serious water contamination. However the contamination is not valuable, the reason is, and hence cannot be done away with. Such as, would we slightly have oil or amazingly clean oceans? Noticeably, oil is more valuable in that case. This is the major reason why there is contamination control which helps to minimize the disadvantages. There are advantages to the polluters as well. It is less expensive to release the waste products into the closest water resource or soil as compared to process or treat that rubbish. However, this is not a benefit to humankind in general. Problems of Water Pollution: Various water systems near metropolitan areas (towns and cities) are highly contaminated. This is the outcome of both rubbish thrown out by people and dangerous substances lawfully or unlawfully thrown out by production sectors, health industries, educational institutions and market places. The major issue caused by water contamination is that it destroys the life of living organisms that are based on these water bodies. Crabs, dead fish, sea gulls and birds, dolphins, whales, and various other creatures usually wind up on seashores, killed by contaminants in their environment (living environment). Pollution also interrupts the natural food chain. Pollutants for example cadmium and lead are eaten by tiny creatures. Then, these creatures are consumed by shell-fish and fish, and hence the food chain carries on being disturbed at all advanced levels. Ultimately, people are also impacted by this process. The human beings can get illnesses for example liver disease by the consumption of poisoned sea-food. In any third world countries, there is always occurrence of cholera and illnesses due to the inadequate water treatment from infected waters. Ecosystems (the collaboration of living organisms at a place, based on one another other for life) can be seriously changed or damaged by water contamination. Several areas are now being exaggerated with reckless human contamination, and this pollution is returning to hurt people in several ways.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Napoleons Farwell Address Speech Analysis -- essays research papers
Napoleon’s Farewell Address To The Old Guard A truly dramatic moment in history occurred on April 20, 1814, as Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and would-be ruler of Europe said goodbye to the Old Guard after his failed invasion of Russia and defeat by the Allies. By that time, Napoleon had ruled France and surrounding countries for twenty years. Originally an officer in the French Army, he had risen to become Emperor among the political chaos following the French Revolution in which the old ruling French kings and nobility had been destroyed. Napoleon built a 500,000 strong Army, which used modern tactics and improvisation in battle to sweep across Europe and acquire an Empire for France. But in 1812, the seemingly invincible Napoleon made the fateful decision to invade Russia. He advanced deep into that vast country, eventually reaching Moscow in September. He found Moscow had been burned by the Russians and could not support the hungry French Army over the long winter. Thus Napoleon was forced to begin a long retreat, and saw his army decimated to a mere 20,000 men by the severe Russian winter and chaos in the ranks. England, Austria, and Prussia then formed an alliance with Russia against Napoleon, who rebuilt his armies and won several minor victories over the Allies, but was soundly defeated in a three-day battle at Leipzig. On March 30, 1814, Paris was captured by the Allies. Napoleon then lost the support of most of his generals and was forced to abdicate on Apr...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
3D Animation Research
Introduction The Computers have revolutionized the practical technologies in our daily lives. T.V, microwaves, phones, air-conditioning and almost every other technology uses computer technology in some form or another. Similarly, it has influenced the art, creating a new line of digital artists. Animation; the visual story-telling art, was born when the art met the technology. Animated filmmaking and visual storytelling are grown into multi-billion dollar entertainment need. The leading animation firm Pixar's intern experiences page states:†One day, we had lunch with Ed Catmull, the President and Co-Founder of Pixar. He told us that we are and always will be a storytelling company. Our job is to make timeless stories that inspire people, make them cry and make them laugh. We are not here to just make a quick buck†¦ [Pixar] is much more than just a cool place to work. It is a place where you can live out your childhood dreams of storytelling and filmmaking, and know that your hard work is inspiring people of all ages, all over the world.†According to Dave Kehr- â€Å"Animation, the art of making inanimate objects appear to move. Animation is an artistic impulse that long predates the movies†. Animation has existed for over one hundred years and is not limited just by computer animation. The computer acts as a tool for artists to develop creative ideas. Paintings, drawings, sketches and initial 2D Photoshop computer graphics are the styles which lead to 3D animation. In Adobe Photoshop, scanned sketches are manipulated by adding or removing layers, blending until the desired artistic look is acquired. Initially, storyboards and low-resolution 3D characters are created to eliminate the possible problems and to enhance the design in the process. Once the story is finalized with scene details, characters and sets, the 3D work of the animated project can begin. Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3Ds Max, Avid Softimage XSI and Houdini are some of the software that artists use to refine the work. At the end of the animation process, the final sets of images are rendered. These images are played together in sequence at a rate of 24 frames per second to create the final animated film.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Pocari Sweat Essay
This assignment deals with advertising and it’s concepts. So to start off we’d like to explain certain terms: Advertising is more than just a means of disseminating product information. It is a primary communication tool of our economic system and our culture. In other words it could be defined as †a purposive communication to a target market, which assists in selling by drawing attention to the characteristics of a product which will appeal to the buying motives of customers in the target segment of the market†. Advertising is mainly used for the following purposes: To support sales increase; To encourage trial; To create awareness; To inform about a feature or benefit; To create an image; To modify attitudes; To gain trade and sales staff support. There are three different kinds of advertisements: (1) Informative advertisement: This advertisement conveys information and raises consumer awareness of the product. These are common in early stages of the product life cycle. (2) Persuasive advertising: This advertisement is concerned with creating a desire for the product and stimulating actual purchase. This is mostly used for well-established products, which are in growth/maturity stages of the product life cycle. (3) Reminding advertising: It is to remind consumers about the product or organization, or the benefits they (consumers) are receiving from buying the product. Advertising has an ethical and moral responsibility to deal honestly with its portrayal of society. Individual companies are judged by their own advertising, and the effectiveness of advertising is dependent on the overall attitude of customers towards advertising generally. (Q) What does advertising do for consumers? One of the most important roles of advertising is showing people how to solve problems. Effective advertising must start from premises, â€Å"Does my product help people?†The major trend in modern advertising is making the consumer the focus of the marketing process. Organizations find that starting with the consumer creates a relationship in which products are designed for the consumers rather than having to convince consumers that a preexisting product is the one they want. (Q) What does advertising does for business? Without advertising, businesses would not be able to bring new products to the attention of enough consumers fast enough to make the enormous cost of creating, developing, manufacturing, and distributing the products practical. In other words, advertising is both a tool and requirement of an abundant economy. (Q) What does advertising does for society? Advertising has both intended and unintended results. Obviously, the intended result of most advertising is to contribute to the profitable sales of product. In addition to its economic role, advertising revenues support a diverse and independent press system protected from government and special interest control. As a key communication link in the process, it also is a major stimulant to vigorous economic growth and stability. However, there is a growing awareness that advertising must move beyond single-minded concerns with profitability. There is increasing agreement that advertising must be created in an atmosphere that considers a number of ethical factors. A recent survey of advertising agency executives found that they faced six major ethical considerations in conducting business: 1. Treating clients fairly; 2. Creating honest, no misleading, socially desirable ads; 3. Representing unhealthy, useless, or unethical products; 4. Representing clients whose products/services are unhealthy and unneeded; 5. Treating suppliers, vendors, and media fairly; 6. Treating other agencies fairly. It is to the benefit of advertising and society in general that ethical issues are in the forefront of discussion concerning the practice of advertising. Now that we have seen what advertising is and how it deals with various people and organizations it is easy to set the objectives of advertising. These are likely to be the following: To communicate certain information about a product. This is perhaps the most important objective. To highlight specific features of a product which make it different from the competitors. The concept of the unique selling proposition (USP) is that by emphasizing a unique feature, which appeals to a customer need. To build up a brand or company image through corporate advertising. To reinforce customer behavior. Influencing dealers and resellers to stock the items (on as much shelf-space as possible). In case of government advertising. To achieve a policy objective. A successful ad: The content of an advertisement is determined largely by the objective of the advertising and the motivation of the potential customer. An advertisement should present information, which leads to a greater awareness of the product. It should be an attention-getter and may excite amusement or emotions such as fear, but inciting these feelings should not be allowed to be the only effect of the advertisement. Advertising will be most successful if the following conditions apply: a) The product should have characteristics, which lend themselves to advertising. 1. It should be distinctive and identifiable. 2. It should stimulate emotional buying. 3. If at point of sale a customer can refute an advertisement claim simply by inspecting the product, advertising will achieve no sales at all. b) There should be consistency throughout the sales operation. Advertising, the activities of salesperson and dealers, branding, packaging and pricing should all promote the same product image. c) There should be co-operation between advertising staff and all other activities in the company. Product design, production, distribution, selling and financial operations should all combine to achieve customer orientation and maximum selling efficiency. After all the facts now let’s move on to our product and its advertisement. We have chosen POCARI SWEAT as our product. A Japanese company known as Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. launched Pocari Sweat in 1980. Under the company philosophy, â€Å"Otsuka – meaning – people creating new products for better health worldwide†, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. is an R&D-oriented corporation with a central focus on pharmaceuticals and consumer products. Through innovative products, OPC hopes to make a difference in curing illnesses and maintaining people’s everyday health. The name POCARI SWEAT is a JAPLISH word (Japanese & English). ‘POCARI’ sounds relaxing, easeful, and light to Japanese people. It doesn’t mean any English word. We know that ‘SWEAT’ has dirty image in English. Then why did the company use such a word?†Actually ‘SWEAT’ has meanings of diligence, efforts, and refreshing ness in Japan, which shows their importance to work, their culture and belief. So that’s how the word came – POCARI SWEAT! Most of Japanese people call POCARI SWEAT as â€Å"POCARI.†We rarely call its full name. We suppose that people have western-like image to â€Å"sweat†especially; Since, POCARI SWEAT has been a very famous and popular name, they (the company) cannot change its name. This company also manufactures various other products like: Ornamin-C (Energy Drink), Calorie Meter (Diet Drink), Energen and Fast Break (energy drinks). Company Name Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Head Office 2-9 Kanda Tsukasa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8535, Japan Phone: +81-3-3292-0021 Date Established August 10, 1964 President Tatsuo Higuchi Capital 6 billion yen Employees 5,224 (As of April 1, 2002) Business Description Manufacturing, Distributing, Exporting, Importing of pharmaceuticals, Clinical testing equipment, Medical equipment, and Food products. Domestic Establishments 17 branch offices/50 district offices 16 research institutions 2 clinical research laboratory 6 factories POCARI SWEAT A WORLDWIDE BRAND! DID YOU KNOW The human body has a very high water content: 60% for the average adult, and approximately 70% for a child. This water component is known as body fluid, and contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium ions. WATER content in a child and adult body. The composition of POCARI SWEAT is similar to that of our own body fluids. It contains just the right amount of those electrolytes – such as sodium and potassium ions – that our body loses when it loses water. It’s also gentler on our body and more easily absorbed than ordinary water. And it doesn’t harm the important balance of body fluids. CONTENTS OF POCARI SWEAT Pocari Sweat plays a vital role in human body after consuming it. Every day we loose about 2.5 liters of water through urinating, sweating and breathing, while we intake approximately the same amount through food and drink. Body fluids automatically regulate this loss and intake of water: balancing the two is vital to the maintenance of a healthy body. Pocari does just that after playing sports, working out in a gym, practicing yoga or long tiring dances lessons. This will be clear from the following diagram: Graph showing daily loss and intake of water in a human body Now that we have seen various graphs that how dangerous can it be if we loose water in plenty. Well now that OPC (the company) has launched Pocari Sweat there is no fear of loosing excess water. Consuming Pocari not only gives a refreshing feeling but also prevents loss of fluid from our body. It will be clear from another graph, which follows: Comparison of how Pocari Sweat prevents the loss of body fluids The composition of POCARI SWEAT is similar to that of our own body fluids. It contains just the right amount of electrolytes – such as sodium and potassium ions – that your body loses when it loses water. It’s also gentler on our body and more easily absorbed than ordinary water. And it doesn’t harm the important balance of body fluids. This graph shows clearly the performance of POCARI SWEAT. POCARI SWEAT COMPETITION By now you’d wonder that who are competitors of POCARI SWEAT? Well the real answer according to Otsuka Pharmaceuticals is that POCARI SWEAT real competitor is PLAIN WATER and not energy drinks! Many would disagree to it but it’s the truth. People would say that Pocari faces a huge competition with the energy drinks available in the U.A.E like the Red-Bull, Isostar, Blue Ox, Flying Horse etc. Well according the product agencies in the U.A.E. they mention that Pocari is not an energy drink but it’s a REHYDRATION DRINK. The product (Pocari Sweat) agents in U.A.E are AL MAYA LAL’S LLC. To prove the above statement that Pocari Sweat is a rehydration drink the following picture of Pocari’s can, which clearly shows it: In reality, Pocari Sweat is a rehydration drink, which is very similar to baby rehydration fluid. The label on the bottle clarifies: This close up is taken from the can Past advertisements Pocari Sweat had made many ads in Japan, which is shown mainly in other Eastern Asian countries, they were a huge hit there but the company have failed to make an impact with them in the Western countries, that is why the product is not much known and the popularity is not much as it have in Japan and other neighboring countries. The companies previous ads were focused mainly on sports, they had many famous celebrities, models and artists in their ads, some of them are: Cindy Crawford (model), Nancy Adrew (stunt actress and model), Tikeshi (model), and Myo Chin Haut (model) etc. The concepts, which the company wanted to show people through its ad, were amazing and very creative, shot very beautifully under water. The first which showed two men playing tennis under water; the second big ad was during the Football World Cup held in Japan, which obviously had to be a soccer ad. Lately, the company has shot an ad keeping in mind how trendy and energetic are today’s teenagers; they have a skate boarder skating (which are attached with color cans), as he goes two and fro on the ramp it creates graffiti. (This ad is not available on the net; the concept was taken from the following link: this site also contains previous football ads made by the company. In-short after our research we feel that the company and the agents of POCARI SWEAT in the U.A.E and the Middle East should emphasize more on advertising. The product is doing fine as we can see that most of our samples drink it after some activity, with 1-2 cans at a time, they find it really refreshing and energetic, and end up with the results as â€Å"good overall performance†. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Newspapers/Magazines: Gulf News, Khaleej Times, Fortune 500, Forbes. Text Books: Advertising and Sales Promotion Techniques by Gerard J. Tellis Advertising Procedure by J. Thomas Russell, W. Ronald, 14th Edition Marketing Management by Philip Kotler 11th Edition Marketing HND/HNC Edexcel textbook, BPP Publishing Websites:
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