Monday, January 27, 2020
Understanding Of Media Audiences
Understanding Of Media Audiences Audiences are a critical subject in studying media. Audience is the term used to describe a large number of unidentifiable people, who usually united by their participation in media use. (Hartley, 2002) Media has a huge power to influence audience thinking and behaviour. There are many approaches to deconstruct the relationship between the audience and the text. The question arise here is, how do human receive text from television, or internet etc.? How do human analyse and affect by the text? In this essay, we will discover two approaches looking into the audiences and how will they related the media or how do we understand media audiences from these approaches. In term of media, Uses and Gratifications (UG) Theory and two-step flow theory are the essential approaches of understanding the audiences. There are many academic studies developed under the UG theory since this idea arises over the past 100 years. On the other hand, two -step flow theory explains that the audiences will be influenced by the media or other opinion leader. Although these two theories has been criticized and negated, they help us to understand the relationship between the media and receiver. In the first part of the essay, we will discover two theory of study the audiences. The first approach is Uses and gratifications theory, this approach focus on the consumer and the audience, rather than the message. It is concern about how people (media audience) made choices and what they did when consuming texts. According to Katz (1959), ask not what the media can do to people, but what the people can do with media. In other words, audience should be an active role to use media for pursues their own needs. Blumler and Katz in The uses of mass communication bring up an idea: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦something of the way in which individuals uses communications, among other resources in their environment, to satisfy their needs and achieve their goals, and to do so by simply asking them. (Blumler Katz, 1974) Blumler and Katz (1974) concluded that different people use the same media for different purposes; therefore, the same media content may satisfy different needs for different individuals. Rosengren (1974) developed the idea of Katz and other scholars and presented the following diagram: mmm Figure 1 (Blumler, 2004 p.271) The diagram put more attention to the society and individual characteristics affect much of people needs. In term of individual characteristics, not just Psychological Set-up, but also added the Social Position, and Life History. Moreover, Rosengren build up `Perceived problem and solutions it explains human psychological process between needs and motives. Those elements not previously emphasized by Blumler and other scholars. In the diagram, basic needs, individual characteristics and society structure are three factors interact and result in people use media for variety of gratifications. Lucas and Sherry (2004) put more simplified model of Rosengrens paradigm. According to psychologist Maslows hierarchic theory of needs, (1943) basic needs are divided five main cataloguers including physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization.(Maslow, 1943) More detail shows in the following figure: Figure 3 (ICT Learning, 2010) However, in media perspective, according to Katz put `needs into five different categories: cognitive, affective, personal integrative, social integrative and tension release needs. (Iqbal, 2010) In term of individual characteristics and society, we can clearly see these factors including psychological set-up, social position, life history and media structure in figure 1. Audience thinks perceived solutions when he realizes there is a perceived problem and thereby creates motives. After that, audience use the media, make choice to choose different types of media, how much time they going to spends with media etc. Audience also uses with other behavior such as personal contacts or other means of communication. At the end, audience decides to continue use the media while he could obtains gratification or non-gratification. Blumler concern audiences use media as a sough gratification. They point out UG theory is built up on five assumptions. The first assumption is that the audience is conceived as active (Blumler Katz, 1974) In other words, UG establishes people play the active role to discover their own satisfied information for different reason and in different ways. Secondly, they assume in the mass communication process much initiative in linking need gratification and media choice lies with the audience member. (ibid.) This is an idea that people can allow the media to influence them. `The media competes with other sources of need satisfaction. (ibid.) is the third assumption of UG. This is an idea that mass media is only one of the resources to satisfied people needs. Therefore, mass communication must compete with other non-media resources such as interrelationship communication aim to produce the need. The forth assumption is `many of the goals media use can be derived from data supplie d by the individual audience members themselves. (ibid.) It assumes audience is rational, and can fully understand their choices and motives. Audience also are able to explain them clearly. The last assumption is `value judgments about cultural significance of mass communication should be suspended while audience operations are explored on their own terms. (ibid.) This assumption believes people determinate the value of the media. These five assumptions help us to understanding the relationship between the media and audiences. For the motivation for media use, McQuail, Blumler, and Brown (1972). proposed a model of media-person interactions to classify four different gratifications: diversion, personal relationships, personal identity and surveillance. (Katz, E.) Diversion refers to people escape from reality like everyday problem and the constraints of routine. Secondly, personal relationship is about social interaction, people using the media as a substitute companionship. Thirdly, personal identity is including people referencing, learning and exporting themselves from the text. Lastly, surveillance is means the information could be helps our life such as weather report and news. In 1983, McQuail purposed four typology of common reasons for media use, there are information, personal identity, intergration and social interaction, and entertainment. (Chandler, 1994.) This is similar with media-person interactions in 1972 which have been mentioned above. Nevertheless, this typology had emphasis more on soc ial environment and psychological. With other theory, UG theory received some criticism. Ang, L claims that theory did not emphasis on social context and audience is individualistic. UG ignore the content of media, stressed that is the active audience needs. The research found out that the audience is not selective on the messages delivered to them. The result is a contradiction with the theory of assumption that audience is active to make choice for the use of media. The terms of need, motivations, and expectation have not clearly define while gratification sought and gratification obtained is indistinguishable. Despite this theory challenged by these factors, still has its value of researching by the audiences point of view of media. The second approach to understand the audiences is Two-Step Flow of communication. (P. E. Lazarsfeld, 1944) Lazarseld, Berelson and Gaudet introduced their hypothesis in 1955. Research had been carried out on the decision making on a Presidential election, the result of the research had concluded that information does not flow directly from the text into the audiences mind but is filtered through `opinion leaders then leader influence other audiences (followers). (Katz, 1955.) There is two distance stage of media text transmitted. The figure illustrates the how this theory works: Figure 4 (Katz, 1955) In the diagram above, messages no longer dispatch from the mass media (producers) to the receivers directly. Messages were first transmitted to opinion leader who then interpreted and give the information to other (followers) in face-to-face. (ibid.) This explains why media may have failed to alter audiences attitude or behavior. In other words, the effect of mass media is not universal, must be assessed to other media channels to influence the information or opinions. Unfortunately, this hypothesis has criticized and being questioned, For example, figure 4 shows followers only received message from opinion leader. Obviously, we can receive the information from mass media directly. In additional, some scholars discover that transmitting information in society not only two step flow. It is involved multi step flow. (Inglis, 1990) The transmitted is more complicated than we imagine. Moreover, we might get confuse who is the opinion leader. It is a general assumption that a person who influences other people can be opinion leader because they use media more, and socially active. Baran, S,J. defines opinion leader as a ` people who initially consume media content, interpret it in light of their own values and beliefs, and then pass it on to opinion followers. (Baran, 2002.) In other words, most of the opinion leaders social position or status or by virtue of their grater interest in the topic at hand. (Robinson, 1976) Nonetheless, we cannot be certain who opinion leader is? For instance, A is an opinion leader of fashion; however, A is a follower in music while B is an opinion leader. Therefore, opinion leader is depends on the position, background and issue etc. These theories receive many critics from scholars due to the confusion of the position of the person. In spite of those criticisms, two-step flow receives praises and influence mass media especially advertising. The theory refined the ability to predict the influence of media messages on audience behavior,(Dave, 2009) and the reason why people sometime does not influence by media. In the second part of the essay will be illustrate how those two approaches contribute to our understanding of media audiences. Through the study of uses and gratifications and two-step flow theory, we can understand what audience can do with media, their motivations to use media and how media can be transmitted. Put these knowledge into a mass media and into the society, we can explain some social phenomenon and why audience influences by each other. Uses and gratifications approach is very suitable in explaining why people watch television. To apply this theory into the context of audiences which watch TV, watching TV provide the basic needs, society media structure and individuals characteristics which will sum up to gratifications in Blumeler Theory where by they are information, personal identity, integration and social interaction, and entertainment. TV channels provide information such as news and advertisement. Audiences can easily find themselves on TV programme like quiz show. For example, audiences can compare with the experts, laugh at the contestants mistake. (Chandler, 1994) In term of integration and social interaction, audiences may watch the TV together and so create an interaction or communication. They also recognize and more importantly to interact with the highly stylized images presented by TV programmer, especially those entertainers, talk show hosts. (Levy, 1979) Audiences entertained by TV programme such a s game shows and soap operas. They are able to relax, escape from reality. Despite new means of media counties come out namely internet and telephone, still, television can `survive in the completion because tally audience needs of UG theory. Subsequencetly, we can use UG theory to explain audience use other means of media such as magazine and radio. On the other hand, many companies and advertiser may apply to two step flow approach. They agree that customer might change their view of the product or company because of other users opinion. Evidently, a business would be a success as long as they gained the opinion leader support. This is because opinion leader will promote for the business. For instance, social network such as Facebook reaches nearly 500 million active users in 2010 since Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg launch the website reaches mere 1 million active users in 2004. (Facebook, 2010) In this case, word of the mouth is `I add you on Facebook or `how come you dont have facebook? The initial opinion leader on Facebook is the founder and his university classmates. The aim of communication within the campus, however, communication has power to influence other. When a follower became an opinion leader, number of users will dramatically increase. Although the initial aim of founder is not a business, which shows how two -step flow works. Again, that theory can apply to other media or business, especially in this information explosion era. People can easy to obtain information or review from `opinion leader. And other example of two step flow is the source of Lazarseld study -election campaigns. They concluded that only 5% of the people changed their voting behavior as a result of these media messages. (Katz, 1955.) The voters influence by their interpersonal communication (such as friends, politic tradition) and short-run considerations (such as candidate attractiveness or current social issue). This view of media effects known as limited effects theory. Audience is a giant subject of studying media. Beside these two approaches, we can extend the study of understanding audience. Those audiences have different preference or motivation in using the media. We can construct the audience to different cataloguers. In some study, gender, ages, and social class are the elements to decide the audience to use media. For instance, newspaper readers in different gender, age and social position will choose to buy/read different newspaper. The following table shows the newspaper readership: (Griffiths, 2010) In conclusion, uses and gratification and two-step flow theories are the important theories to study audiences behavior. Through this theory of UG, we can understand what people do with the media, how audience satisfy their need by using media to establish such needs and why people using different kinds of media or communication such as radio and television. In the same way, we can see sometime media not fully influence the audience in the theory of two step flow. This approach also suggests audiences are influenced by or face-to face communication with the opinion leader who is more active in media uses. There are many other approaches which provide knowledge for understanding the audiences behavior. In spite of some criticisms of these two theories which we had discussed in the essay, Uses and gratification theory and Two-step flow hypothesis are significant theoretically.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
Dallin Bringhurst February 12, 2013 1st Persuasive Essay There is much anonymity when it comes to knowing who is an Eagle Scout. I feel that an Eagle Scout conducts a life style that represents a good person. The scout law states: â€Å"A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. †John Proctor holds many traits that are similar to an Eagle Scout. I will focus on three basic aspects of the scout law and how John Proctor relates to them. First, I will relate how John Proctor shows bravery in the face of death. Then, I will argue how he is loyal to his family.Finally, I will demonstrate that he is helpful. These three basic traits are taught inculcation by many leaders in our community. I will now go into further detail on my topics. First, bravery is a rare trait, especially when faced with death. John Proctor demonstrated bravery by standing before a Judge and taking blame for the girls’ bla sphemy behavior. John Proctor says, â€Å"I speak my own sins; I cannot judge another. I have no tongue for it. †(page 131) John Proctor remained brave throughout the trail as he testified before Judge Danforth. He says, â€Å"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! † (page 138) His bravery ultimately led to his fateful death as he was sentenced to be hung. Second, loyalty is something that bonds relationships. Being a loyal person is having high values. I see it as giving up something that can offer immediate happiness for something that has lasting happiness. John Proctor struggled with being loyal to his wife because he had an affair with another woman; he was licentious in his behavior.John becomes more loyal to his wife when she was accused of being a witch. The following quote by John Proctor proves that he is loyal to his wife. He says, â€Å"‘I'll tell you what's walking Salem – vengeance is walking Salem. We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law! This warrant's vengeance! I'll not give my wife to vengeance! ‘†Act 2, Scene 4, pg. 73. He also says, â€Å"Life, woman, life is God's most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it. †(Act IV).To be loyal is a great attribute in life because it will show how good a person really is. John was a good person for remaining loyal to his wife throughout the trails. Finally, I will talk about being helpful to others by starting off with a quote by Clarence Darrow: â€Å"The best that we can do is to be kindly and helpful toward our friends and fellow passengers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (â€Å"Clarence S. Darrow quotes 1998-2005†). We must be helpful to others who are in need of out help. John Proctor is seen as a very helpful man. In the book he is being found helping his neighbors out with their farms or cutting wood.In conclusion, I have just gone over the three basic attributes that I believe makes a good person. I related how John Proctor continued to be brave when faced with death. Then, I argued how he remained loyal to his wife. Finally, I demonstrated that he is helpful. These three attributes relate to John Proctor in many ways as he uses these life style choices in his life throughout The Crucible. John Proctor is a good man in a world plagued with evil. This final quote sums up the man that was John Proctor, â€Å"It is rare for people to be asked the question which puts them squarely in front of themselves†.
Friday, January 10, 2020
DBQ: The Battle of Gettysburg Essay
It is 1863, and the people of the United and Confederate States are wondering who will win this Great Civil War. Southern General Robert E. Lee decided to make a bold move and marched his troops to Pennsylvania to achieve a victory on Union soil. As the news of Lee’s army reached Northern General Meade, they followed in immediate pursuit. The Battle of Gettysburg is a crucial turning point in Civil War due to the termination of the Southern advance into Northern States and it resulted in a damaging impact in the Confederate Army’s supply of soldiers. Since the Battle of Gettysburg ceased the Southern progression into the North, it became a critical moment in the Civil War. Document A has shown that battles continued in Southern Territories, such as Georgia, Tennessee, and Missouri after Gettysburg. Without Gettysburg’s powerful effect, the Southern Army would have continued to have advanced into Northern Territories. The battle proved to be a dramatic change in the Northern Army, since it allowed more battles to form in the South, but never again in the North. Due to the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union army stomped on Southern efforts to create a win on Union soil and lead to destructive battles in the South. Furthermore, the battle also consequently caused numerous deaths in the Confederate Army. At Gettysburg, twenty-three thousand men of the North’s nine-hundred and eighteen thousand army died, while twenty to twenty-five thousand soldiers died out of two-hundred and seventy-eight thousand Southern Army. Therefore, Gettysburg proved to be a major impact on the Southern Army’s power to fight the North and diminished the chances of a Rebel victory. These casualties reflected in the Confederate Army’s commanding generals, which lead to the substandard training and execution of the Southern soldiers in later battles. Without a doubt, Gettysburg demonstrated the power of the Union and shattered the Confederate Army in countless casualties. Through ceasing Southern advances and extinguishing their army, the Battle of Gettysburg proved to be a tremendously significant turning point in the Great Civil War for the North. Although other major Battles, such as Vicksburg, which gave complete control of the Mississippi River to the North, Gettysburg resulted in more substantial effect in the War. The significance of Gettysburg is shown by the impacts in the Civil War, mainly negatively to the South. The Battle of Gettysburg can be related today because it shows that through perseverance the odds will come in your favor.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia - No Human Life Should...
Euthanasia: No Human Life Should End by Unnatural Means Euthanasia, the medical term for assisted suicide or mercy killing, is an issue still being debated almost a hundred years after a proposal to legalize it in Ohio. The medical community was in turmoil even before its legal proposition, unable to decide amongst themselves how to deal with the issue. The same arguments still rage today, though the public is more aware of the issue thanks to high-profile court cases, like the trial of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Some claim that the terminally ill have a â€Å"right to die†, but no human life should end by unnatural means. As medical technology continues to expand at an astounding rate, doctors are finding treatment for diseases and ailments†¦show more content†¦So why are consensual deaths different? One might argue that those who choose euthanasia are suffering and do not wish to further burden or dishonor their families, but the same could be said of those who commit suicide for other reasons. Common symptoms of suicide victims include unemployment, being widowed or never married, depression, and chronic or terminal illnessâ€â€a perfect description of most patients that choose euthanasia (Suicide). By choosing to legalize euthanasia, our society is in effect declaring that we support suicide if a person can convince a doctor that they no longer desire to live. We must present a united front and try to prevent suicide in all forms, assisted or otherwise. Even if the United States government were to legalize consensual euthanasia, the problem of doctors putting it into practice without the patient or family’s consent would be very difficult to eradicate. Perhaps the best-known advocate of euthanasia is Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who was convicted of the second-degree murder of Thomas Youk and sentenced to ten to twenty-five years in prison on March 26, 1999 (Emanuel). Youk was ill with Lou Gerhig’s disease, but was by no means on the verge of death.Show MoreRelatedEuthanasia: We Have the Right to Die1096 Words  | 5 Pageswithholding of a medical treatment, even if doing so will result in the person’s death†(Assisted Suicide). So why is there not, and should there not be a right in some states and countries for those who are near death and know they will die to want to end their life. Even during the Ancient Roman times, the idea of Assisted Suicide was accepted â€Å"If caused from pain or sickness, or by weariness of life†(Assisted Suicide). 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Society has voiced its opinions on the subject for hundreds of years. Euthanasia, which is Greek for good death, refers to the act of ending another person’s life in order to end their suffering and pain.1 Two forms, passive and active euthanasia, categorize the actions taken to end the person’s life. Passive euthanasia involves removing a patient’s life supportRead MoreEssay on Euthanasia: We All Have the Right to Die1306 Words  | 6 Pages Physician-Assisted Suicide, or Euthanasia, is a serious issue, and it affects people throughout all walks of life. From teenagers with angst, to older adults feeling hopeless in their life, to the elderly suffering from terminal illnesses, suicide pervades throughout their thought processes as an alternative to their emotionally and physically pervasive situations. Euthanasia, or physician-assisted suicide, has a history dating back to the seventeenth century. Only recently has it become as controversialRead MoreMany years ago, in a small town in Michigan, a woman by the name of Janet Adkins was diagnosed with1200 Words  | 5 Pagesbelieved that her life was over and did not want to deal with the upcoming side effects. To overcome this, she decided to end her life that was (to her) an easy and painless process; however, many considered she basically cheated her way out of life. Yet, she did not want to commit this act fully herself out of fear. So, she contacted Dr. Kevorkian (later on known as Dr. Death). She believed that is someone assisted her in ending her life early, it would not be technically called suicide; even thoughRead MoreThe Legalization Of Assisted Suicide1650 Words  | 7 PagesWhile suicide itself is no longer considered a crime within the United States, physician-assisted suicide remains illegal. This practice, despite being closely related, varies from euthanasia . These two practices are distinguished by who administers the lethal dose that kills the patient; euthanasia is administered by a doctor whereas assisted suicide is the patient’s voluntary consumption of a fatal medication that was prescribed by a doctor. Despite the variation, both practices are currently consideredRead MoreReligious Views On Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide1528 Words  | 7 PagesDaniel Kessler Professor Brislen GREL 101 15 November 2014 Religious Views on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Throughout the millennia since the origin of man, technology has continuously evolved contributing to a longer life expectancy among humans. Now, even terminally ill patients can be kept alive by medications and machines. These life saving devices also carry the potential to kill a human with little effort or time. The debate has arisen as to whether people have the â€Å"right to die†or oftenRead MoreArgumentative Paper Euthanasia2132 Words  | 9 PagesShould Euthanasia be legalized? 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