Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Customs Exemptions for Returning Canadians
If you are a Canadian resident or temporary resident of Canada returning to Canada from a trip outside the country, or a former Canadian resident returning to live in Canada, you may qualify for a personal exemption to bring a certain value of goods into Canada without having to pay the regular duties. You will still have to pay duties, taxes and any provincial/territory assessments on the value of goods above your personal exemption. Children, even babies, are entitled to a personal exemption. A parent or guardian can make a declaration on the childs behalf as long as the goods being declared are for the childs use. The amount you claim for your personal exemption must be reported in Canadian dollars. Use a foreign exchange converter to change foreign currencies into Canadian dollars. The personal exemption for returning Canadian residents depends on the length of time you have been outside of Canada. The personal exemptions for Canadian residents have been increased effective June 1, 2012. The new exemption limits go up to CAN$200 from CAN$50 for absences of 24 hours or longer, and up to CAN$800 if youre out of the country longer than 48 hours. After a 7-day absence, you are allowed to include goods that will follow you by mail or another delivery method. Outside Canada for Less Than 24 Hours No exemption. Outside Canada for 24 Hours or More If you are outside Canada for 24 hours or more, you may claim a personal exemption of up to CAN$200 worth of goodsthe goods must accompany youtobacco or alcohol may not be claimed in this exemption Note: If you bring in goods worth more than CAN$200 in total, you cannot claim this exemption. Instead, you have to pay full duties on all the goods you bring in. Outside Canada for 48 Hours or More If you are outside Canada for 48 hours or more, you may claim a personal exemption of up to CAN$800 worth of goodsthe goods must accompany youyou can include some tobacco products and alcohol, but only a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products or manufactured tobacco. Outside Canada for 7 Days or More To calculate the number of days you have been outside Canada for the purposes of this personal exemption, do not include the day you left Canada but do include the day you returned. If you are outside Canada for 7 days or more, you may claim a personal exemption of up to CAN$800 worth of goodsyou can include some tobacco products and alcohol, but only a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products or manufactured tobacco.alcohol and tobacco products must accompany youother goods do not need to accompany you when you cross the border.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on Community Teaching Plan Teaching Experience
Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Summary of Teaching Plan The idea of teaching a community about possible attacks on our country was one thought, but actually giving them the knowledge of what the various ways to, ultimately, defend themselves was a much greater cause. The possibilities that we may face a biological terrorist attack is quite real. We have seen the horrors of 9-11, we are aware of the wars and hatred; which gives us as human beings all the more reason to learn about these tactics. This presentation was probably the toughest thing I’ve ever had to do. Public speaking isn’t my strongest trait; however, I believed this was my nursing duties to give complete strangers the knowledge that might save their lives one†¦show more content†¦Most of the areas of study are manmade and much easier to learn about, but also to control. The other factor is the natural diseases that man haven’t found to cure but dangerously control. The benefits to controlling a harmful virus are astonishing. Being able to take o ut entire civilizations at a will have great effects. This isn’t just a thought, this epidemic and possibility are a certain. Not only did the September attacks took place, but just a month later the outbreak of anthrax also happened. And the threats of smallpox, and many other diseases (Markowitz Rosner, 2004). It is imperative that, if possible, the human race to gain this knowledge. The last question is how, how do we teach this? How is it possible to even fathom the outcome? The answer is to try. Becoming a nurse is not only my occupation, it has become my life. Teaching this group of individuals this important matter was as rewarding as being on the job and saving the life of an ill patient. Evaluation of Teaching Experience Overall, this was a positive and rewarding experience. Never have I felt this compassionate about teaching before, and the knowledge I gain from the experience will be with me for my lifetime. The subject was a difficult challenge; not only to teach but also grasping the information was very tough. It was hard to think that this isn’t fiction, this event has and can take place once again. In my opinion, just the thought of the hatred and greed thatShow MoreRelatedMeasures to Overcome Problems Facing New Teachers1762 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Problems Facing New Teachers: Teaching is an increasingly contextualized social practice that requires specific skills since it takes time, learning, dedication, and hard work for new teachers to have the ability to reflect on individual experiences. In their attempts and pursuit to become experienced teachers, new teachers undergo various stages of transformational teaching experience. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Amazon Free Essays
The Advantages of Hilling an External Advertising Agency Many companies such as Dint Moore have attempted to market and advertise using in-house personnel. Using In-house associates to market a product can be successful f they are familiar with the product and the customer base. Often time, companies select to stay in-house due to budget restraints. We will write a custom essay sample on Amazon or any similar topic only for you Order Now Budget, skill set and product knowledge are a few contributing factors used In determining if It is feasible to use In-house associates or hire an external agency. If the campaign is a†make it†or†break it†campaign for the company, it may be necessary to hire a reputable racketing company to spearhead the project. Otherwise the risk of failure is too high and costly to keep In-house. There are multiple reasons why Luis should hire an external advertising agency for the Dint Moore campaign. It could be because they do not have sufficient skill and talent in house to research and create a campaign or there is not enough time to product a quality advertisement. It could also be that they need professionals because the competition is growing and Dint Moore is losing customer base and revenue. It could also be that Dint Moore wishes to attract new customer and trenched the loyalty between the company and the existing customer base. Listed below are three good reasons Luis should hire an external advertising agency to promote and market for Dint Moore: (1) they are the professionals. (2) they can add quality and enhance the brand name and (3) they bring experience and new ideas. As professionals, they are abreast of any new trends or advertisement strategies. The bring experience to the table which allows them to make decisions based on past history. They were trained specifically for this type of Job and know the ins and outs of advertisement. The external agency will be able to do a market analysis of who will buy the product, who likes or dislikes the product and why. This Information, will allow the agency to make the right changes so that the advertisement will reach loyal customers and potential new customers. They will also be able to access the company’s brand to see how It will stand up to competitors that sell the same or similar products. They will be thorough and concise because they will want repeat work and this is how they make their living. An external advertising agency will bring new ideas to the table. The will be able o create new ads and enhance the older ads to meet the needs of the company and the consumer. New ideas and strategies can give the company new life. Something as simple as changing the color or font on the packing can be catchy and attract potential new customers. In-house personnel may become complacent with the packaging and have the notation we have always done It this way, or If it Is not broken don’t fix it. This type of behavior will lead to the wear -out effects. This is when an ad becomes old and boring and the consumer tend to ignore the advertisement or tune it out (Slow Aback, 2010). However, the external advertisement agency will come in with new ideas and find the right method to present the company’s product so that loyal customers or potential new customers will have a positive attitude regarding purchasing the product. The agency will be tofu able to adjectively promote the benefits and values to the product by studying the trends in the consumer buying environment. The external agency will also be able to position the product in such a manner that the consumer will view the product brand and company in the same manner. I f they are successful with the immunization market analysis, they will be able to accomplish multiple communication objectives such as; develop brand awareness, increase category demand and change customer beliefs or attitudes (Slow et al. , 2010). They will be able to enhance brand awareness and the brand’s image by effectively creating an advertisement that is viewed everywhere, billboards, internet, television commercials and radio. This is known as cognitive mapping and creative in the agency use this strategy to strengthen linkages that already (Slow et al. , 2010). Three Relevant Experiences of an External Agency Three relevant experiences of an external agency that would be helpful to Luis and the Dint Moor brand are; knowledge of the advertisement world, experience in marketing domestic and internationally and the ability to handle the entire marketing campaign from cradle to the grave. It would be the responsibility of the external agency to assist the company in attaining success by implementing the integrated advertising, promoting, and marketing communications approach as stipulated in our textbook. They will be accountable for putting out fires and damage control. With he experience, they will be able to come up with tactics to beat out the competition. The knowledge they bring will help with budget constraints and ensuring the product is launched at the right time. The agency can also create campaigns that will become global based on market and communication analysis results. They will be able to network and use the resources to get the right media source to use and time and make sure Luis get value for the bucks. Three Types of Advertising Planning and Research The three types of advertising planning and research that should be conducted to identify Dint Moor’s most loyal customers and potential new customers are general preprinting input, product-specific research and qualitative research. The general preprinting input is used by the agency to learn everything about the client by reading trade publications, research reports and viewing the company’s website (Slow et al. , 2010). Members of the agency may also interview employees, members of the community and other business partners to get to better understand the concept and the needs of the client. During the product-specific research step, the agency will identify who uses this product and how it is used. The most important piece is to understand who the user is and to target that group with the ad campaign. From this research the major selling point will be identified and the brand/product was market using the deprivation approach. Last, the qualitative research is conducted. This is more formal and a focus group is used to discuss the product. This discussion is used to learn who likes the product. Collection can come via anthropology, sociology and psychology. The end results from this research will suggest ideas so that the campaign can begin. Selection of an Advertising Agency for Dint Moore Campaign After reading information on six advertising agencies, I selected BAD Worldwide to continue to promote and advertise for Dint Moor’s Stew. For many years BAD Worldwide NAS been cutlets in maintaining a g relationship WI TN the account and has demonstrated the ability to reach the mass market and brand the company’s product. Although BAD Worldwide is a large company with offices all over the world, the Dint Moore campaign will be of importance to the agency and will not get lost in the shuffle. A smaller ad agency maybe overwhelmed and intimidated by the account. Also BAD has a wealth of knowledge and they are familiar with advertising food products. They have a very good success rate for ad campaigns and they are global which meaner there is opportunity for Dint Moore Stew campaign to go global. BAD is known for creative pitches that are catchy and memorable. The have references from established companies and have won numerous advertising awards domestically and internationally. Based on the research, BAD Worldwide would continue to be a good match for the Dint Moore Stew campaign. How to cite Amazon, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Significance of the Human Resource Management
Question: Discuss the work place issues faced by Tolu and implication of good Human Resource practice? Answer: Introduction: The human resource management is actually a process for improving performance of the employees through the recruitment, training, performance appraisal and termination process. According to this case study it has been observed that the company has elevated different issues against Tolu. Finally it has been found that the organization has terminated Tolu due to her mis conduct in the work place. Tolu felt that she has been treated unfairly. The human resource manager asked Tolu about her future activities. At that moment the company regularly followed Tolus social networking profile and found that Tolu has posted something which was actually against the organization (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The human resource manager of the travel and tourism organization has told Tolu about the critical issues raised by the company after monitoring the social media post like I think Ill an in sick because I just cant face working for that idiots with this headache. It was claimed that the staff d estroyed the reputation of the organization, they did not maintain the staff communication rules, they did not maintain the privacy at work and also did not show the required conduct. Therefore, the human resource management has to look for the legislation against Tolu and treat such a sensitive case to be in the neutral condition (Ulrich 2013). As per the rules, the organization should not interfere in the personal views of the employees in their social media profile. The human resource management has to investigate some other relevant examples and case laws to support the actual judgment. Work place issues faced by Tolu: As per the following case study, it has been found that Tolu, the 25 years woman worked as a customer service assistance of the popular holiday company. She has provided the support to the customers about the online flight and holiday package booking. One day her supervisor misbehaved with her in the human resource managers office. Tolu protested against that incident in the social media (Renwick et al. 2013). On other hand, it has been observed that the organization regularly followed the employees social media account. The organization has found that Tolu has written a post about her absence in the office due to illness, but in reality she was actually not sick (Alfes et al. 2013).The organization has considered the social media post as official information, which was actually wrong. According to the management decision, she is going to be terminated for providing wrong information for taking leave. As stated by Kehoe and Wright (2013), the wrong information of the employees affects the reputation of the companys employees communication, alleged conduct and work privacy. Jabbour et al. (2013) argued that the reputation of the organization depends up on the ethical consideration, employee behavior, and financial performance of the organization, leadership quality, management strategy, social responsibilities, customer focus and reliabilities. It has been noticed that the service industry is concerned about the brand image and the relationship with the public. Therefore, the wrong post of Tolu may affect the company reputation. It has been observed that a customer has posted on Facebook that Applebees restaurant has charged 18% as a tip from the customers (Boella and Goss 2013). Some customers have given the comment like I give God 10% so why do we pay 18% tip (Marler and Fisher 2013). After that the organization has claimed that it was printing mistake and they made the correctio n. It has been observed that more over 10,000 customers have given the negative comment. Then the organization has deleted the negative comment and has blocked those profiles (Marler. and Fisher 2013). After that more over 19,000 new posts has been generated. After considering such case, the Travel organization has identified that the wrong information in the social media site may affect the reputation of the organization. On other hand, the organization has encountered the employee conduct issues. The organization always expects the proper behavior from their staffs in workplace. As argued by Morgeson et al. (2013), the human resource management also develops the corporation rules about the limited behavior of the employees. As per the old news report it has been observed that Joan Orie Melvin was terminated from her company on February 2013 due to her unethical behavior in the office premises. The organization has claimed that Joan had unethically taken their service and misused the organizational facilities like excessive telephone bill, fuel cost and lunch bill. The organization terminated her and ordered to pay $55,000 as a fine for the misuse (Antonioli et al. 2013). Therefore, the human resource management needs to consider the financial loss of the organization. It has been observed that the human resource management was quite confused about the use of social network in the work place related policies of the tours and travel organization. Hoch and Dulebohn (2013) argued that the employees have less privacy rights in their professional life than their personal life. The organization has already implemented the rules that the employees cannot check their personal email, social networking site in workplace (Lengnick et al. 2013). Some Californian company has implemented the Information system to track employees activity and send notification email to the higher authority. According to this new information technology system, an email is automatically generated when the employee log in their personal email or any social media account. On other hand the US Supreme court has passed the rules that the organization or the management can check the employees personal networking profile (Chuang et al. 2013). Therefore, in this case study it has been obs erved that the Travel organization has followed Tolus Faebook account..The company has identified the unethical information of Tolu. According to Tolu it was a casual comment that she had taken sick leave. On other hand, this post is totally unethical to the management because Tolu provided wrong information about the companys leave policy on social media site. After considering the above issues it can be suggested that Tolu has to take some legal steps against the organization. Tolu can appeal in the court regarding the human rights (Martn et al. 2013). As per the US government rules and regulation, the organization can check the employees social media profile to investigate against any criminal offense or terrorist activities but the employees should have the freedom of speech in the social media sites. Implication of good Human Resource practice: The human resource manager has critically observed that more over 1,550 million people are regularly active on Facebook and 320 million people regularly follow the post on Twitter all over the world (Kerlinger et al. 2013). Therefore, maximum employees also maintain their profile in those popular social networking sites. More over 65% employees regularly use social networking site almost 2 hours per day. It has been observed that more over 25% employees were terminated regularly due to poor performance (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). As stated by Tone and Dulebohn (2013), the involvement of the employees in social media affects their professional career. It has been noticed that some organizations follow the contemporary human resource management theory and the human resource management monitors the employees performance through social media, which decreases the performance of the employees. As stated by Armstrong and Taylor (2014), the Social Media Performance Monitoring Process distru sts the employees from their work and their performance level decreases. It has been observed that the human resource management strictly follows the Code of Ethical Conduct to implement the social media monitoring strategy. According to the policy the human resource management, the human resource management should allow the social networking sites like Twitter , YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, forums and blogs in the workplace to maintain the communication with the employees (Ulrich 2013). The human resource management strictly notified that the employees can not share the organizational data or information in the social media sites. The employees should be instructed not to post any kind of obscene, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, pornographic or other illegal picture or related links in the social media sites (Renwick et al. 2013). In the service industry, the human resource policy is related with two different properties such as respect and relation. The human resource management has to ensure that the employees maintain respect with each ot her as well as the customers. On other hand the employees must have the tolerance level to handle the customers and public criticism (Alfes et al. 2013). It has been observed that the service industries like restaurants, airlines industry, travel and tourism organizations and restaurants terminated their employees for posting some unwanted comment about their organization on the Facebook page or Twitter. It has been observed that some employees have posted injustice video on YouTube. The video destroyed the reputation of organization. As argued by Kehoe and Wright (2013), the human resource management should be careful when they allow the employees to use the social media in workplace. It has been noticed that the new joiners signed a code of conduct form where it is mentioned that the employees cannot share any kind of work place related information in social networking site. Therefore, the employees like Tolu should be conscious about the sick leave related post in social networki ng site. As opined by Jabbour et al. (2013), in service industry, the human resource management strategies strictly depends upon the social networking sites and the human resource managers have to maintain their strategy in a specific process. The human resource management has to follow the attribution theory. As per the attributing theory the human resource management has to understand the internal and external attribution of the employees. Internal attribution: The employees have to be more conscious about their conversation which they have posted in the social networking site to collect the public opinion. For example, a sales executive has shared the secret critical discount policy of the organization (Boella and Goss 2013). The employee has found that the organization has cheated the customer through their fake discount strategy. After observing such post, employee was terminated for sharing the secret policy of the organization in the social media. The human resource management has to ensure that the employees do not create confusion, harassment and discrimination through their post. It has been observed that the Tolu has posted that she is sick but in reality she was absolutely fine condition. Therefore, the human resource management has to ensure the discrimination free and harassment free work environment. As stated by Marler and Fisher (2013), sometimes that employees use vulgar comment against a post. It harms the brand image of th e company. Therefore, the good reviews and comments of the employees about the managers or supervisors improve the internal communication system of the organization. External attribution: The human resource management has to maintain the external attribution of the organization. It has been observed that the employees of the popular service industry like the travel and tourism industry, hotel industry, hospitals and transport sometimes posted unauthentic comment in the social networking site (Antonioli et al. 2013). Therefore, the unauthentic and negative comment of staffs affects the brand popularity of the organizations. It has been observed that some people have posted totally wrong post against the organization. Such posts also damage the brand image of the organization (Hoch and Dulebohn 2013). Therefore, the human resource management has to develop the effective human resource program based on the social media because it will help them to monitor both internal and external progress of the organization. Conclusion: This assignment is based on the case study of Tolu. Tolu was terminated due to her social networking related post about the sick. The organization has claimed that Tolu was not sick when she posted that comment. Then the organization has terminated the employee to share the wrong information and leave related information in the social networking site. Therefore, this assignment is based on the critical review about the understanding of the scope, significance and legal framework of human resource management practice in the performance of the organization. The human resource management critically examines those factors which influence the staffs or customers. Lastly, the suitable human resource management strategy has discussed which helps the human resource management to establish their strategy by avoiding the social media related issues and reduce the risk of both such as employees and organization. Reference list: Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), pp.330-351. 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An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.18-36. Martn Alczar, F., Miguel Romero Fernndez, P. and Snchez Gardey, G., 2013. Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models: A critical review of the literature and implications for future research.Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal,20(1), pp.39-49. Morgeson, F.P., Aguinis, H., Waldman, D.A. and Siegel, D.S., 2013. Extending corporate social responsibility research to the human resource management and organizational behavior domains: A look to the future.Personnel Psychology,66(4), pp.805-824. Renwick, D.W., Redman, T. and Maguire, S., 2013. Green human resource management: a review and research agenda*.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), pp.1-14. Stone, D.L. and Dulebohn, J.H., 2013. Emerging issues in theory and research on electronic human resource management (eHRM).Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.1-5. 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