Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Henry David Thoreau And Transcendentalism - 1346 Words
Henry David Thoreau was born and lived his life in Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau had always been an intelligent student and eventually began his study at Harvard University and graduated at the top of his class despite having to drop out on several occasions due to his financial struggles. Around the time when Thoreau was graduating, America had been experiencing an economic depression resulting in the loss of jobs of many and work became harder to find. But because Henry Thoreau was a Harvard graduate, the best fit field for someone like him was teaching. For a short period, he began teaching at a local public school. He along with his brother John, began working in the family pencil making business. Their pencils were considered to be†¦show more content†¦While in Walden Pond, he spent one night in jail due to an issue which was the subject of his essay â€Å"Resistance to Civil Government†which was later known as â€Å"Civil Disobedience†. Thoreau was a strong advocate or the abolitionist movement and wrote strongly on the slavery in Massachusetts. Henry Thoreau had strong political views in regards to slavery and the Mexican-American War. He once wrote, â€Å"The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right†. Civil Disobedience inspired many leaders to protest movements in their own homes. This idea of a nonviolent approach to the social and political resistance influenced leader like Martin Luther King Jr. ad Mohandas Gandhi. In the essay Civil Disobedience, speaks in favor of a government that enter or disrupt men’s lives. He expands on the idea that he wants a better government not to abolish. Thoreau derived the idea of Civil Disobedience that in American history men have always recognized the right of revolution. A man should not associate with a government that does not treat its citizens justly and fairly. The government is supposed to represent and treat everyone fairly and equally but that isn’t always the what happens. The primary use of Civil Disobedience is to bring attention to particular issues and inspire others to get involved. Civil Disobedience has influenced many social movements such as the Civil Rights Movement. AsShow MoreRelatedTranscendentalism: Henry David Thoreau Essay1096 Words  | 5 PagesHenry David Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau grew up in poverty; his dad was unsuccessful and had trouble maintaining a steady job. Thoreau followed in his father’s footsteps, ultimately bouncing from job to job, scorned by society for his unconventional way of living and lack of income (Henry David Thoreau, Discovering Biography). Thoreau began to write with the guidance of Ralph Waldo Emerson who became one of the most important influences in his life. LivingRead MoreThe Effect Of Transcendentalism : Henry David Thoreau1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe Effect of Transcendentalism: Henry David Thoreau Transcendentalism is the American literary, political, and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth century that was rooted in the pure Romanticism of the English and the German (Goodman). Ralph Waldo Emerson is considered the father of Transcendentalism because his literature is the first to praise the notable spirituality of nature. The basic belief of the movement is to live authentically; being true to oneself (Day). The movement itselfRead MoreHenry David Thoreau : The Philosophy Of Transcendentalism1055 Words  | 5 PagesThe philosophy of Transcendentalism, according to the article â€Å"Transcendentalism, An American Philosophy†is believed to have been created and led by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which is why he is considered by many literary scholars and historians to be the father of Transcendentalism. Throughout the years, this philosophy attracted other artists and thinkers such as the American Romantic novelist Henry David Thoreau. These prominent and poetic individuals created an insight for this movement, believingRead MoreHenry David Thoreau And Chris Mccandless Transcendentalism1618 Words  | 7 Pagesbe advised by people to start engaging in the concept of solitude. Henry David Thoreau and Chris McCandless were both transcendentalism that believes in the key fundamental idea that the human body should partake in such as solitude. Henry Thoreau was a transcendentalist that practiced the form of solitude throughout his life. He left society and moved into the woods to be removed from the confines of society. Along with Thoreau, a more modern-day transcendentalist was known as Chris McCandless.Read MoreTranscendentalism : Henry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson847 Words  | 4 PagesTranscendentalism relates to freedom in several ways. Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two transcendentalists that have different v iews on freedom. Our project, representing freedom, shows a person how to live his or her life in a way of freedom shown by Emerson and Thoreau. Together, we did research on the transcendentalists: Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. We studiedRead MoreTranscendentalism And Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau807 Words  | 4 Pages but none quite like that of Transcendentalism. This movement embodies the idea that spiritual growth can be achieved through personal journey instead of conflicting with organized religion. By the time of the movement’s onset, newly gained religious freedom in the United States allowed for new ideas and beliefs to prosper freely. At the heart of this movement was Transcendentalism philosophy famous ambassadors, Ralph Waldo Emerson and apprentice Henry David Thoreau. These men believed nature isRead MoreTranscendentalism in Henry David Thoreau and Emily Dickinsons Literature984 Words  | 4 Pageswished to know what transcendentalism was he should empty his mind of everything coming from tradition and the rest would be transcendentalism†(Boller 34). This literar y period has dramatically shaped literature and religion, in America. Many writers like Henry David Thoreau and Emily Dickinson have been influence by transcendental ideas. It is astonishing how an inspiring literature movement can change so much of the world’s view and still is around today. Transcendentalism was an American literatureRead MoreTranscendentalism : Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau967 Words  | 4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most inspiring and accomplished writers to ever walk upon this Earth. They dared to question how people lived and how people should live. They were light years ahead of their time with their transcendentalist ideas. Transcendentalism can be defined by this quote, â€Å"People... have knowledge about themselves and the world around them that transcends... what they can see, hear, taste, touch or feel†(History). This is a perfect explanation forRead MoreTranscendentalism, By John Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau1594 Words  | 7 Pagescloser and closer to utopia, the perfect society. Transcendentalism, the flawed doctrine, instead leads its adherents on the road to nowhere, and many of the principles fail spectacularly when applied in real life. Transcendentalism is too ide alistic to be realistic. Simply put, transcendentalism is wrong. Their ideals are not just incorrect, they are potentially dangerous. First, transcendentalists such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, among others, believe the spontaneous emotionRead More Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism730 Words  | 3 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism Transcendentalism was a movement in writing that took place in the mid-nineteenth century. It formed in the early to mid nineteenth century and reached it climax around 1850 during an era commonly referred to as the American Renaissance, America’s Golden Day, or the Flowering of New England. The basic tenets of Transcendentalism involve the relationships between one’s self and the world at large. First, the search
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Project Control Methods Used For Construction Project...
Project Control Methods used in Construction Project Management The scope of this assignment is to study, compare and analyze the most commonly used Project control methods used in the Construction Projects management and to select the best method for efficient project control to be used in construction project management. In this assignment three different project control methods such as 1) Earned Value Management 2) Location Based Management 3) Building Information Modeling are studied and compared. What is a Project? : In simple words a Project can be defined as temporary effort undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. Since the project is of temporary nature it has a definite start and end time. (Guide 2001) What is Project Management? : Project Management can be defined as the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. The different processes involved in project management are, (Guide 2001) Initiating – Planning – Executing – Controlling – Closing What is Project Control? : The definition for project control with related to the construction industry has been given as ‘the process involved in creating a building or a facility in the lowest possible cost with the expected quality in the stipulated given project time’. (Attalla 1997) Why does project Control Exists? : The main objective of Project control is to track and monitor the three most important aspect of any project. TheShow MoreRelatedEssay on Construction Project Management and Business Management925 Words  | 4 PagesConstruction Project Management and Business Management Over the past few years, the construction industry has been changing dramatically. One of the most important stages in the construction management and business management is the planning phase. 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The choice of procurement strategy is veryRead MoreRefurbishment Of Broron Oil And Gas Limited Three Storey Building1675 Words  | 7 Pagesapartment for boron oil and gas limited. The scope of this project is to design and construct and appropriate office structures. Which involves different stages of work in these projects? Our task involves †¢ Planning a risk management plan †¢ Creating a risk register and a risk response plan. †¢ Identifying possible risk project and procurement strategy. †¢ Undertaking qualitative and quantitative risk analysis. †¢ Risk tracking and monitor control. CHAPTER2: BACKGROUND The overview System will be addressedRead MoreMy Mind, Project And Enterprise Management, The Art Of Evaluation And Control968 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Statement In my mind, Project and Enterprise Management is the art of evaluation and control. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
A Literary Criticism of Hills Like White Elephants Essay Example For Students
A Literary Criticism of Hills Like White Elephants Essay A Literary Criticism of Hills Like White Elephants I recently read the short story, Hills Like White Elephants. Initially, I found it confusing and hard to understand. I hope to clarify the story by summarizing it, and explain the symbolism used. The story is set in a bar beside a train station. A couple sits together at a table discussing something that is unknown to the reader. The couple is enjoying a beer while awaiting their train. The young woman seems disconnected as she looks out over a line of hills and says, They look like white elephants. This statement should set off an alarm in the mind of the reader. This statement and the title are symbolic to the meaning of the story. One must know that if one is given a white elephant then they are given an unwanted and useless gift. This leads the reader to believe that this is what the story is about. We will write a custom essay on A Literary Criticism of Hills Like White Elephants specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The couple continues to drink heavily which would also lead one to believe that they have something troubling them. As one continues reading, they are presented with a clue to the couples problem. The man says, You dont have to be afraid. Ive known lots of people that have done it. He goes on to say, If you dont want to you dont have to. I wouldnt have you do it if you didnt want to. But its perfectly simple. This leads the reader to believe that, although it is the couples problem, the woman holds all responsibility and the right to make the decision. The man and woman go back and forth with the argument. The man says things to the effect of, I think its the best thing to do. But I dont want you to do it if you dont really want to. She replies, And if I do it youll be happy and things will be like they were and youll love me? Again, this gives the reader the opinion that her decision, and her decision alone, will alter their life forever. As the story closes, she asks that they terminate the conversation. He takes their luggage to the other side of the train to assure that it is loaded on board, and then he return to the table. Do you feel better? he asks. She replies, I feel fine. Theres nothing wrong with me. I feel fine. Throughout the story the couple refuses to speak of the problem. They refuse to speak of it for fear that actually saying it would be admitting that there actually is a problem. The couple is struggling over the decision of whether or not to abort their unborn child. The reference to white elephants symbolizes the abortion. Many years ago people would give miniature white elephants as gifts. They served no function and were considered unwanted, useless gifts. The abortion was an unwanted gift to this couple. The man continues to reassure the woman that the problem can easily be taken care of. One gets the feeling from the couples conversation that she may want to keep their unborn child, but she would do anything for him; anything to keep him. I really enjoyed this short story. I liked how Ernest Hemingway allowed the reader to ponder what the couple was arguing about. I hope this gives some insight to those who struggle with understanding this short story. The writing produced by Ernest Hemingway was in itself an act of rebellion that personifies the unique character of how Americans want or believe they should be perceived brash, self-sufficient, able to move beyond what most people would presumably consider personal setbacks, even the ability to detach ones self from personal tragedy and see it in a humorous light. Ernest Hemingway was as simple as he was complex. The lucid and uncomplicated images he created with his seemingly elementary style were anything but; in fact, the complexity that resides within his characteristically eloquent prose, which demonstrate a purity and precision like no other, are known only to those who can see beyond their faade. Attention to outer detail and an unquenchable desire to portray his .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The parable of the cave by Socrates
Table of Contents Definition of the Cave Meaning of Fire Meaning of Puppets Rene Descartes and the Parable of the Cave Augustine and the Parable of the Cave Conclusion Work Cited In The parable of the cave book vii, Socrates tells us about people who have lived in a cave since their existence and they know nothing more than the darkness and shadows in the cave. This is a world in which prisoners are chained in a cave. Behind them, there is a fire and puppets. The puppets cast shadows on the wall, and they can not clearly see some things that are passing by. The things are real in the world of light but they can only see them as shadows. Above the fire there is the sun which is very bright.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The parable of the cave by Socrates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Definition of the Cave The cave is the region which can be accessed by sight and unfortunately it is what the prisoner can access. The shadows of the puppet makers which are seen by the prisoners represent and/ or build a reality to them (Reeves 191). Socrates tells us that one of the prisoners escaped from the cave and at first he was blinded by the light he meets outside the cave. After he spent time in the new world, he gets a different view of the world and he realized that his life was all along a mere illusion and controlled by other people. Meaning of Fire The prisoners are chained and they are unable to see the actual objects and the puppet makers since they can turn neither their heads nor their legs, hence they can only see what is in front of them. This is what Plato explains in â€Å"the truth will be nothing but shadows of their images†. The fire signifies the sun and the sun represents the whole truth; the light that the prisoners need to see in order to gain their freedom from the world of darkness. Socrates says that the prisoner who went out of the cave and saw the light, repr esents the philosopher who is enlightened and goes back to the rest of the people to tell them about the truth they don’t know. Meaning of Puppets Socrates asserts that, â€Å"they seem less real than shadows.†This implies that the prisoners can only see the shadows of the things reflected to them from the wall. They cannot give a clear account of what they see because it portrays half truth of the reality, which is the good in the world of light. Glaucon says that people who are still not enlightened can construct justice by making agreements after deliberations among themselves. This means that the prisoners can only tell the truth based on the ability they see the shadows. The puppets are being held by the puppet handlers, who are the masters of the prisoners in the cave. In my own view, the puppets are the things and ideas used by the masters to continue keeping the prisoners in the dark.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help y ou! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The intensity of the fire is frightening and it is used to blackmail the prisoners. The prisoners will be frightened by the brilliant light of sun because it will burn their eyes so much such that, they may want to go back to the cave. Some people will follow the sun and will know the whole truth. They may then go back to tell the others about what is found outside the cave, which is the light and the real truth. The prisoners believe in shadows because this is all what they have seen in their lives, hence their truth. The ignorance of some prisoners will prevent them from attaining the genuine truth hence they will continue to be chained in their illusions. The freed person is enlightened and goes ahead to face the truth. Rene Descartes and the Parable of the Cave According to Rene Descartes, people become what they think they are. He further asserts that people are only aware of what has existed around them. Based on his p hilosophy, the prisoners in the cave knew the life they were in and nothing beyond. Though we view their life as a dream, it was their reality (Wartenberg 56). On the contrary, the reality could also be a dream. To some extent, Descartes defends the prisoners’ ignorance to the truth and reality because all they knew was their lives in the cave. Unless they were taken out to experience life outside the cave, they will strongly hold that the shadows they see are the reality. Augustine and the Parable of the Cave Augustine poses that people cannot say that they know the truth when they don’t know how the truth looks like. On the same line of thought, people cannot say that A resembles B when one does not know how B looks like (Olivier 49). The prisoners in the cave do not know what truth and reality are because what they have seen are mere shadows and not the real objects that emit the shadows. Conclusion In conclusion, the parable of the cave takes place in the mind of Socrates and Glaucon, Plato’s Brother. From a general stance, Plato is concerned with the revelation of truth and the manner in which the psychology of people evolves. The cave is used metaphorically to portray how people are trapped in their ignorance of basic ethics. Plato further seeks to dig into the truth of things that do not exist in reality. Following the parable of the cave, the power of an individual to interpret situations that do not exist in reality determines one’s intellectual capacity. The prisoners in the cave perceived and understood reality as it was through the shadows reflected on the wall they saw inside the cave. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The parable of the cave by Socrates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The whole difference comes out when one prisoner gets out and found a completely different world outside. It is obvious that people define their world based on thei r experiences of what surrounds them physically. The challenge is on whether people will give room for other influences on the truth they have. Work Cited Olivier, Bert. Philosophy and the arts: collected essays. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2009. Print. Reeves, Francis. Platonic engagements: a contemporary dialogue on morality, justice and the business world. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2004. Print. Wartenberg, Thomas. Thinking on screen: film as philosophy. Oxford, UK: Taylor Francis, 2007. Print. This essay on The parable of the cave by Socrates was written and submitted by user Samiyah Davis to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Definition and Examples of Epenthesis
Definition and Examples of Epenthesis In phonology and phonetics, epenthesis is the insertion of an extra sound into a word. Adjective: epenthetic. Verb: epenthesize. Also known as intrusion or anaptyxis. According to some linguists, vowel epenthesis is often motivated by the need to make consonant contrasts more distinct (The Handbook of Speech Perception, 2005). Etymology: From the Greek, putting in Pronunciation: eh-PEN-the-sis Examples and Observations In certain varieties [of English], a vowel breaks up the cluster (epenthesis): film becomes [filÉ™m] in Ireland, Scotland, and South Africa.(Elly van Gelderen, A History of the English Language. John Benjamins, 2006)The history of English provides examples [of epenthesis] like the development of aemtig into empty, with epenthetic p, and of à ¾unor into thunder, with epenthetic d. Non-standard pronunciations include athalete for athlete and fillum for film, with epenthetic vowels.(R.L. Trask, A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology. Routledge, 1996)Fambily for FamilyShe were gentle an sweet, an the mos beautiful creetur in allinin the place where we lived. An her fambily was that proud an aristocratic thet no one could tech em with a ten-foot pole.(L. Frank Baum, Aunt Janes Nieces at Millville, 1908)Athalete for AthleteThats the thing, said McCloud plaintively. A athalete has to keep up appearances. Sure, people think a athalete makes plenty, and he do on paper. But people never s top to think hes allus gotta keep up a expensive front.(Kurt Vonnegut, Player Piano, 1952) Mischeeveous for MischievousThe pronunciation (mis-chÄ“vÄ“-ɘs) is considered nonstandard and is an example of intrusion, a phonological process that involves the addition or insertion of an extra sound. Mischievous is properly pronounced with three syllables, with the accent on the first syllable. The word is often misspelled with the suffix -ious, which matches the mispronunciation.(American Heritage Dictionaries, 100 Words Almost Everyone Confuses and Misuses. Houghton MIfflin Harcourt, 2004)  Vowels and Consonants- Epenthetic sounds are not always vowels. For example, consider the two indefinite articles a and an. We know that a is used before consonant sounds and an is used before vowel sounds . . .. We may view this [n] as an epenthetic sound that breaks up a sequence of two vowels: a apple - an apple.(Anita K. Berry, Linguistic Perspectives on Language and Education. Greenwood, 2002)The Effects of Epenthesis on SpellingEpenthesis occurs frequently, both in legal and in lay language. The addition of an i before the t in speciality is an example. The pronunciation of jewelry as jewelery is a result of epenthesis, as is the pronunciation contentuous for contentious. Other examples of epenthesis: the ubiquitous relitor for realtor and that favorite of sports announcers, athalete for athlete.(Gertrude Block, Legal Writing Advice: Questions and Answers. William S. Hein, 2004)
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The History of Mr. Potato Head
The History of Mr. Potato Head Did you know that the original Mr. Potato Head was missing a head? The original model didnt come with the familiar brown plastic potato. Inventing Mr. Potato Head In 1949, Brooklyn inventor and designer George Lerner (1922–1995) came up with a revolutionary idea: a toy that children could design themselves. His toy came bundled as a set of plastic body parts- noses, mouths, eyes- and accessories- hats, eyeglasses, a pipe- that were attached to pins. Children would then decorate a potato or other vegetable with the pieces, inventing as they went along. Lerner shopped his toy idea around for a year but met with resistance. During World War II, the U.S. had suffered through food rationing and somehow using a potato as a toy seemed like a waste. So, instead, Lerner sold his idea to a cereal company for US$5,000, who would distribute his plastic parts as prizes in cereal. Mr. Potato Head Meets Hasbro In 1951, the Rhode Island Hassenfeld Brothers company was primarily a toy manufacturing and distributing company, making modeling clay and doctor and nurse kits. When they met George Lerner, they saw great potential and paid the cereal company to stop production, buying the rights to Mr. Potato Head for $7,000. They gave Lerner $500 in advance and 5 percent royalties for every set sold. Girl playing with Mr. Potato Head in 1953. Picture Post / Getty Images Those first sets had hands, feet, ears, two mouths, two pairs of eyes, and four noses; three hats, eyeglasses, a pipe, and eight pieces of felt suitable for beards and mustaches. They came with a styrofoam head that children could use, but instructions suggested a potato or other vegetable would do as well. In 2002, Mr. Potato Head celebrated his 50th birthday, with these retro examples of the old spud. Spencer Platt / Getty Images The First TV Ad for Children The first television advertisement directed to children, rather than adults, was by the Hassenfeld Brothers for Mr. Potato Head, with the toy riding in a wagon and playing with kids; it premiered on April 30, 1952. The kits sold like hotcakes: the Hassenfelds earned more than $1 million in the first year; in 1968, they changed their name to Hasbro, and today they are the third largest toy company in the world.  Mrs. Potato Head and the Kids By 1953, it became clear that Mr. Potato Head needed a family. Mrs. Potato Head, their children Yam and Spud, and the childrens friends Kate the Carrot, Pete the Pepper, Oscar the Orange, and Cookie Cucumber soon joined the family. A Mr. Potato Head car, boat, and kitchen were soon marketed, and eventually, the brand expanded into puzzles, creative play sets, and electronic hand-held board and video games. Hasbros later successes include Monopoly, Scrabble, Play-Doh, Tonka trucks, G.I. Joe, Tinker Toys, and Lincoln Logs; but the first and most influential was the famous spud. Safety Issues The United States was changing rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s, and by the late sixties, the first child safety laws were passed, the Child Protection Act of 1966, and the 1969 Child Protection and Toy Safety Act. The gave the Federal Drug and Safety administration the ability to ban unsafe toys: the Consumer Product Safety Administration wasnt formed until 1973. Mr. Potato Heads small pieces of plastic with sharp pins on them were considered unsafe for small children. At the same time, parents complained that they kept finding moldy potatoes under their kids beds. In 1964, Hasbro began making hard plastic bodies, and eventually larger body and part sizes for its plastic potato. Kylo Ren Mr. Potato Head. Hasbro The Modern Mr. Potato Head Hasbro has developed a reputation for responding to cultural changes, or perhaps taking advantage of them. In 1986, Mr. Potato Head became the official spokespud of the Great American Smokeout, surrendering his pipe to then-surgeon general C. Everett Koop. In 1992, Mr. Potato Head starred in an early Public Service Announcement for the Presidents Council for Physical Fitness, renouncing his role as couch potato. In 1996, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head joined the League of Women Voters in an advertising campaign to get out the vote, and in 2002 when he turned 50, he joined the AARP. Mr. Potato Head has become a staple of American culture over the years. In 1985, he received four write-in votes in the mayoral election in the potato hotbed of Boise, Idaho. He also had a starring role in all three Toy Story movies, where he was voiced by veteran character actor Don Rickles. Today, Hasbro, Inc. still manufactures Mr. Potato Head, still responding to cultural changes with special Mr. Potato Head kits for Optimash Prime, Tony Starch, Luke Frywalker, Darth Tater, and Taters of the Lost Ark. Sources Everhart, Michelle. Even at 50, Mr. Potato Head still all smiles. Quad City Times. August 22, 2002. Miller, G. Wayne. Toy Wars: The Epic Struggle between G.I. Joe, Barbie, and the Companies That Make Them. New York: Times Books 1998. Mr. Potato Head. Western Pennsylvania History Spring 2016:10. Swann, John P. Clacker Balls and the Early Days of Federal Toy Safety. FDA Voice. U.S. Food and Drug Association 2016. Web.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
1.Select a research topic of your choice based on a business issue and Essay
1.Select a research topic of your choice based on a business issue and design a research proposal for this topic - Essay Example Crude oil is valued in terms of dollars per barrels of gallons in the international markets (BALKE 1997). The aim of the research here is to analyze the influence of shifts in Crude oil prices to the general economic performance due to its immediate influence on the World’s leading stock markets. The study is aimed at finding the changes that do occur in the stock markets which are related to increases or fall in the crude oil prices. The data gathered in the study will be analyzed to a certain the influences of fluctuations on Crude oil prices on inflations (BALKE 1997). Crude oil prices stability in the international market is always short term in nature. As a result such fluctuations have always shown influences on the world commodity prices in one way or the other. From mid-2010, there was a considerable increase in commodity prices as oil prices rose by 40%. During this time there was an incredible increase in food items costs and other farm products, metals and precious commodities like minerals and gem stones rose at a faster rate than ever experience before the energy price changes. Increase in energy prices therefore resulted in the upsurge of prices for food commodities due to the high demand for energy in the production of grains (BALKE 1997). Fluctuations on oil prices do occur following developments on the equity markets which is influenced by crisis in the market such as those of European debt crisis. During this time, the OPEC Reference Basket showed an average of $ 106.32/b, which represented a decline in the previous price level by over $ 5.30. In this period the crude oil future market, the Nymex WTI front-month rose to average $ 86.43/b. Crude Oil price hikes sometimes can be attributed to other factors such as demand. Increased demand for energy in the international markets can be attributed to the increasing economic
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Bullying - Essay Example The individuals may fail to expose the emotional hurt, but this may affect their academic and social aspects. Physical bullying is the most common among schools. This usually occurs when the perceived stronger pupils inflict physical pain to their vulnerable and inferior friends, who are unable to defend themselves. Physical bullying may include punching, thrusting and hitting among others. This may also include destroying an individual’s property (Mishna, 73). Covert is an indirect form of bullying, where the perpetrator spreads unwarranted rumors, reveals an individual’s secrets attempts to spoil another’s reputation. Currently, owing to kids’ adoption of the internet cyber bullying has also emerged. The perpetrators may send threatening messages to the kids, send insulting messages, change an individual’s profile, and post obscene photos to individuals among other forms. Involved parties ought to look for ways of eliminating various forms of bullying. To begin with, they ought to identify the challenge of bullying. The affected children need to report such cases to the teachers and parents for action. Later the perpetrators need to receive immediate punishment, in order to deter recurrence of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Glass Ceiling Essay Example for Free
Glass Ceiling Essay Glass ceiling is a term that describes the artificial plateau, beyond which women and other minorities are denied the opportunity to advance to upper levels of executive management in corporate America. It has become a routine practice to deny thousands of qualified women the top level jobs, merited by their performance. Glass ceiling is an explanation, which describes the factors involved in the activities of upper levels of executive management in corporate America. (Cordtz, 2003) The women group and the other minorities are stopped to succeed in their respective fields. Although the minorities as well as women are much qualified, and deserve the upper level positions in the management. The observations on this research topic describes that it is a routine practice of the management that they deny thousands of qualified women to come up and prove their talents. The qualified women’s are desirable to work and show their capabilities to the world. But they are not allowed to do so. The minority groups and women also deserve their respective positions on their merit but they are denied to prove their capabilities. The glass ceiling is also known as the brick wall because the women and the minority groups complain about the ineffective behavior of the higher level of management. These workingwomen Order#31415899 Pg. 2 and the minority groups are really fed up of this discrimination. They want a proper platform where the decisions should be made on the basis of equality. â€Å"Department of Labor studies have found that women hold only a small percentage of senior management positions in Fortune 500 companies. The glass ceiling barriers toward women are nothing but an insidious form of sex discrimination, in violation of law. †The studies based on the topic of Glass Ceiling describes that women are deprived of their rights and are not allowed to reach higher level of management. There is a barrier, which stops this effective group of workers to rise. Women are really competitive and they have many in born talents to prove and explore. This group can prove themselves in any field but they are not allowed to make themselves competitive, instead they are degraded and discouraged. (Cordtz, 2003) Glass ceiling is considered as the level beyond which qualified women and minority groups are not allowed to rise in a particular woprkplace. The glass ceiling consists of those factors, which form this barrier for the competitive women. Glass ceiling comprises of day-to day practices, dealings, attitudes, behavior and internal systems that adds to the career disadvantage of women. These factors are considered to be Order#31415899 Pg. 3 hindrances in the path of success and progress of the group of women. There are many other reasons which are included in the artificial barrier, which are â€Å"Overall, women work fewer hours than men; have less job experience and work fewer years; and avoid work in risky or unpleasant jobs which tend to be more highly compensated. Also, marriage and children tend to depress earnings for women when compared to men or single females†The factors, which are included in the glass ceiling, are that these women workers are not allowed to work for many hours because they also have the responsibility of their home. Moreover women are not so experienced and advanced as compared to men. If the situation will be considered by the society’s point of view than it will be noted that structure and the capabilities of the women are limited and their implication can be made in certain specific circumstances. A woman acts as a mother and a wife . In order to fulfill the requirements of a mother and a wife she gets confused and is not able to concentrate on the work efficiently. Women have a wide share of responsibility and they cannot devote themselves entirely to one task. (Zachariasiewicz, 2001) Order#31415899 Pg. 4 Studies show that glass ceiling act as a barrier for the progress and success of the women also includes the factor that the women do not know the art to control corporate activities . In fact they are not able to understand the complexed activities of the corporate . As it can be said that â€Å". Corporate life is a game, which is not always fair: for men or women. Being able to take risks without making waves, being a team player who can operate independently when necessary and participating in after-hours activities may not set well with some women, but for the present, the reality of the situation needs to be acknowledged if it is ever to change†. (Zachariasiewicz, 2001) My own experiences have taught me that corporate life is not an easy task to deal with . The activities of corporate involves many factors and these factors are divided into groups and subgroups . It is not always fair for both men and women. There are certain standards, which have to be fulfilled in order to run a smooth corporate life . If these standards would not be fulfilled than it might prove dangerous for the future of the company. There should be an ability to take risks without uttering a single word of complaint. Then the corporate life also includes the factor that the workers and the higher level of management should be independent enough to deal with ups and Order#31415899 downs of the businesses. Sometimes the corporate life also demands to devote more time and energy. But this is not possible for women workers. A corporation is like a pyramid, the chairman of the board and president are at the top levels of corporate pyramid. After going one stage lower it will be found that Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Mangers, Directors, Supervisors are present in the lower levels of corporation pyramid. And there is an imaginary line present in the corporate pyramid and this imaginary line is considered to be glass ceiling. (Zachariasiewicz, 200 -Works Cited- Cordtz, Dan (2003). The glass ceiling. FW, Vol. 163 Issue 17, p64 Zachariasiewicz, Robert (2001). Breaking the glass ceiling. Credit World, Vol. 81 Issue 5, p21 Glass Ceiling-Wikipedia-Free Encyclopedia. Break the Glass Ceiling Foundation/Equal Opportunities for women. WWW. breaktheglassfoundation. com Woman in Buisness/The conundrum of the glass ceiling/Economist. com WWW. economist. com/displaystory. Women at Work-The Glass Ceiling: iVillage www. ivillage. co. uk/workcareer/workrights/discrim/articls. html The Glass Ceiling-www. diversitydtg. com/articles/glass. html The Glass Ceiling by Re’ne Redwood- Human Civil Rights www. inmotionmagazine. com/glass. html
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Utra Violet Radiation Essay -- Environment, Purple Violet Pigment, Pho
Protection against solar UV radiations in organisms includes production of secondary metabolites such as pigments that can absorb UV and visible light. In this study, vioA gene coding for tryptophan 2-monooxygenase involved in the biosynthetic pathway of violacein-like purple violet pigment (PVP) was cloned and sequenced from an Antarctic bacterium Janthinobacterium sp. Ant5-2. A non-pigmented vioA mutant strain was obtained following mini-Tn10 transposon mutagenesis that produced a lesser amount of extrapolymeric substances (EPS) and exhibited a compromised survival to freeze-thaw cycles at 4ËšC. Survival of vioA mutant strain during exponential and stationary growth phase was significantly reduced when exposed to UVB (320 nm) and UVC (254 nm) (dose range: 0-300 J/m ²) light. Decreased viability of the mutant strain was noticed at 4ËšC upon nutrient deprivation and exposure to UV light. The pigment production was augmented in surviving cells following increased doses of both UVB and UVC. Interestingly, at higher doses i.e. 100 and 300 J/m ², pigmented wild-type strain showed better survival to harmful UVC than UVB. This could be attributed to the pigment structure, which has absorption maxima in the visible (575 nm) as well as in the UVC (270 nm) range. In conclusion, this study defines the photoprotective role of the PVP in Janthinobacterium sp. Ant5-2 against UV radiation using single gene mutation. Perhaps the photoprotective role of PVP in this bacterium is one of the key adaptive features that define their survival in Antarctic extreme conditions, especially during austral summer months. INTRODUCTION The high energy photons in solar UV radiation are considered to be the most damaging component to the biological macromolec... ...x, which is involved in quorum sensing mediated biofilm formation (Morohoshi et al., 2010). Therefore, it is likely that loss of vioA has affected the biofilm formation in Ant5-2. Moreover, colony morphology demonstrated that PVP had substantial effect on the structural organization of colony biofilms (Fig. 4). The mechanisms whereby pigment production control colony morphology and EPS production is likely to be a complex issue yet to be determined (Dietrich et al., 2008). Until recently, the potential role of pigments as secondary metabolites modulating the cellular physiology of microorganisms in extreme environments has been neglected (Hernandez & Newman, 2001). This study provides an evidence for the role of PVP as a secondary metabolite in UV resistance and suggests its functions of primary importance in Ant5-2 residing in Antarctic extreme conditions.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Evolution, Science and Religion
Why We Believe What We Believe is written by Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldmanis. Mr. Newberg is a correlate professor of Radiology and Psychiatry, an assistant professor of studies of religion, and a director of the Center for Spirituality and the Mind.Mark Robert Waldmanis is an adjunct fellow at the Center for Spirituality and the Mind and the founder of the academic journal, Transpersonal Review. The book examines how the brain functions to comprehend beliefs and reality’s nature. It suggests a considerate, biological, well-documented hypothesis on how the human brain processes sensory information into its own exclusive visions of truth.This book does not seek to disown people’s beliefs, but in its place determine why believing is such an important and crucial piece of a human being. It seeks to know if we are experiencing positive or negative beliefs of our own.More often than not, people’s beliefs make them disregard the beliefs of other people even th ough they have the same concept of God. This is due to the brain’s nature to reject other information that is opposing to its own beliefs. The book helps people search for meaning and truth as it explores the biological aspect of believing.One of the most original questions in religion and philosophy is about reality’s nature. Given that we only have admission to reality through our capability to conceptualize it, possibly an even more essential question might be why and how we consider the things we do.Where do our beliefs come from, how do they begin to form, and how can we reliably match these beliefs to the reality that we are trying to understand, steer through, and merely survive in? Most citizens don't expend a lot of time reflecting on the very nature of their beliefs. Why then do they have convinced beliefs rather than others? Individuals seem to be somewhat confident in what they believe and be likely to agree to that however they form beliefs. It is an accur ate and reliable process.This deficiency of critical distance and self-reflection makes it easier not just for errors to take place, but also for others to influence and pressure our beliefs. Books on cynical tactics and actions can help avoid this, but we can also profit from simply having an improved understanding of what beliefs really are on a biological level.The first part of the book introduces its basic premises, by means of the case history of Mr. Wright who was stricken with cancer and is about to depart this life in a research infirmary. He was given placebo injections, and in a week, he showed instant cure and all tumors miraculously faded away, but when the newspaper information described the uselessness of the drug the patient considered he was taking, the tumors started to return.The physician persuaded the patient that a new and improved drug was obtainable, and once more the tumors vanished. The FDA then manifested the medicinal study a disappointment, and once more , the tumors have returned and Mr. Wright died when his belief in the drug had faltered. The authors go back to this story all through the book to clarify how our beliefs can intensely manipulate the neurobiological processes in the brain.Are we really living in this world? Is the world even real? Is our life merely a dream? People tend to hold on to religion for the comfort and security that our unsure lives may hold. They believe in many different religions even though there are so many questions unanswered and undiscovered facts yet to be explored.The book implies that our brain has a neurological tendency to believe. It is a vital element of the human mind. People tend to have the idea that a belief that doesn’t match theirs is wrong. These are just the workings of the human brain that instinctively seek to protect itself. But people can also tend to change their beliefs once in a while.When they get more exposed to their environment and everyone around them, they gradual ly mold their child-like minds within to the beliefs surrounding them. People have an enormous tendency to see what others tell them as factual; whilst not everything can be questioned to discover its truth.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Family Violence in New Zealand
Sally washed the dishes and began to dry them. All of a sudden, she heard the door slam. ‘Girl! Where's my food? ‘ the voice yelled. Sally began shaking and hunting frantically for the dish. Her seven year old fingers dropped the plate and it shattered on the floor. Her father stomped into the kitchen and began to threaten to beat her. Think this story is horrifying and unrealistic? Think again. Scenarios like this happen to thousands of children every day. Tens of thousands of children each year are traumatized by physical, sexual, and emotional abusers or by caregivers who neglect them, making child abuse as common as it is shocking.Most of us can’t imagine what would make an adult use violence against a child, and the worse the behaviour is, the more unimaginable it seems. But the incidence of parents and other caregivers consciously, even wilfully, committing acts that harm the very children they’re supposed to be nurturing is a sad fact of human society that cuts across all lines of ethnicity and class. Whether the abuse is from the perpetrator’s mental illness, substance abuse, or inability to cope, the psychological result for each abused child is often the same: deep emotional scars and a feeling of worthlessness.Statistics show that family violence in New Zealand has increased by 20%. Child, Youth and Family had 66,210 notifications of suspected child abuse involving 47,221 children were received by Child, Youth and Family in 2005 and 2006. Now it has risen to over 130,000 notifications. Woman’s Refuge have been helping between 450–600 families per month and on average 14 woman, 6 men and 10 children are killed each year by a member of their family. Police figures report 9,630 male assaults and female assaults increased nationally by 40% in years up to 2008.Police attended 86,545 Family Violence callouts; there were roughly 200 Family Violence incidents per day one every 7 minutes. Police estimate that on average 18% of Family Violence incidents go unreported and at least 74,785 children and young people present at Family Violence incidents, 84% of those arrested are men and 16% are women. There were 3,105 temporary protection orders and 2,738 final protection orders involving approximately 10,000 children that were made by the Family Court in the year to 30 June 2006. Barnados, Personal communications, August 2012) For children 26 child victims were murdered by men and 15 child victims were murdered by women. Men are responsible for 2/3rds of the deaths of children aged 0 – 14 years and children under one years of age are at a greater risk of being killed Mothers and fathers are equally represented as perpetrators in this age group (The First Report July 2006. ) These statistics on abuse is a serious problem for such a small country. It is horrific to see how many children get abused everyday around our communities, cities and between the North and South Island.Child abuse is becoming a serious problem in New Zealand and is damaging our childs emotional, physical and cognitive development, which can lead to effects later on in life. There should be more advertising on child abuse and more people should speak up to get the help they are needed. Children are our future so we should be protecting them not hurting them. The role of the adult is to protect their children from any harm or dangerous situations and have a safe positive environment for the child to be in.The adult’s role is to care for the child and ensure that their well-being is being met and that they are nutured. Children at a young age are dependent on adults and need the guidance and support which some children are sadly not getting. The adult needs to be a positive role model in the child’s life and communicate with the child in a positive way. The role of the Early childhood educator is to care for and educate the children in their setting. It is your responsibility to k eep these children safe from any harm or possible danger.Early childhood cetres should provide a positive learning environment where the child is encouraged, praised and acknowledged. Educators should support families and help when needed. It is our goal to make a difference in a child’s life and it should be a positive one. This essay will outline who is abused, the children in our society that are particularly vulnerable to abuse and will state the five main types of abuse that are addressed in New Zealand. It will discuss the short term and long term effects of physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect and family violence for both children and families.It will discuss the positive and negative effects on a community of a suspected child abuse case and discuss why it is important for children to know how to protect themselves through three strategies. This essay will explain what early childhood teachers should do to protect themselves from allegations when working in an e arly childhood setting and give two examples of two voluntary services in New Zealand which support children who have been abused and support the children and their families these services are Otautahi Refuge and Barnyards.The final part of this essay will evaluate the role of both voluntary and private services in supporting children and their families under pressure these services are Child, Youth and Family and Cholmdeley Children’s Home it will discuss the usefulness and limitations of each service then finally conclude the key aspects. There are four main types of abuse around the world these are emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. There is also a fifth type of abuse in New Zealand which is family violence. Child, Youth and Family, 2011). Every child can be exposed to violence and many children can be vulnerable to abuse. Children In our society that is living with the following factors can be more vulnerable to abuse. A child with a young mother that has a low self-esteem that may have little support and is unable to cope with stress. A parent that has a psychiatric history or mental illness. A child who is living with an unrelated adult, a child that lives in an environment with family violence or the parent or family member has a history of abuse.Other factors can include Excessive use of alcohol, drug taking, poverty, lack of essential resources, the parent has dissatisfaction with the child and is unwanted, social isolation where there is no family support and minimal antenatal care. (Simcock, 2011). Infants and children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable and are at a higher risk of being abused. Babies and under two’s are the most vulnerable of all children, because they are fully dependent on adults to care for them.It is also easier for parents to become isolated at this time because the child may not be in preschool and will not have much contact with the outside world. This can make it harder prof essionals or others to identify when things aren’t quite right. (Child, Youth Family, 2011). Some offenders abuse children because they are attracted to their dependency; this combined with society’s attitude towards disabled people can increase the risk of disabled children and those that have learning difficulties being abused.Children with disabilities are less likely to receive information on abuse and might not understand the inappropriateness of abuse and the difference between good and bad touching. Children with disabilities may receive less affection from family and friends who can make them be more accepting to sexual attention. Children with disabilities are more vulnerable because they could be less likely to tell someone what has happened because of communication disabilities as well as they might not be believed. (Beaver, et al. 2008). There are short term and long term effects that each type of abuse can have on children and families. â€Å"Verbal and p sychological wounds can leave a child forever changed†. (Teach through love, 2012). The effects of emotional abuse are often silent and are often overlooked, unnoticed or confused with other causes. Emotional child abuse, attacks a child's self-concept, the child comes to see him or herself as unworthy of love and affection. The long term effects of child abuse may not be shown until the child is older.Less severe forms of early emotional deprivation still can produce drastic effects of emotional abuse such as babies who will grow into anxious and insecure children who are slow to develop and who may fail to develop a strong sense of self-esteem. (chrome://newtabhttp//www. teach-through-love. com/effects-of-emotional-abuse. html). The long term effect on neglect from poor health show that adults who experienced abuse or neglect during childhood are more likely to suffer from physical ailments such as allergies, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure, and ulcers (Sp ringer, Sheridan, Kuo, & Carnes, 2007).Sexual abuse effects on children and youth can be evident in emotional, physical and behavioural ways. These effects can be just as devastating whether there was only one occurrence or there were repeated occurrences. Sexual abuse cannot be compared, because each abuse experience is unique. When a child is sexually abused she/he learns that adults cannot be trusted for care and protection their well-being is disregarded, and there is a lack of support and protection.Short term effects could include some form of bruising on the child, long term effects can include depression, extreme dependency, inability to judge trustworthiness in others, mistrust, anger and hostility. Children's bodies can often respond to the sexual abuse, bringing on shame and guilt. (chrome://newtabhttp//www. child-abuse-effects. com/sexual-abuse-effects. html). Physical abuse is a behaviour which results in physical harm to a child. Short term effects of physical abuse ma y include unexplained bruises, welts, cuts and abrasions these can be found in unusual places and should be looked out for in case they are a regular occurrence.Short term effects also include burn marks and unexplained fractures or dislocations which can be unusual for a child at a young age. The child may not be able to trust and be fearful of physical contact. (Child, Youth and Family, 2011). Family violence is like a war zone in the family household. It is where children live an in environment characterised by fear, frustration, anger, cruelty and violence. Children that are exposed to family violence can have short term effects this could be when the child develops severe behavioural problems, become violent as adolescents and for long term effects they could continue the cycle of violence. chrome://newtabhttp//www. jigsaw. org. nz/Site/Help/Hot_Topics/family_violence. aspx). Family violence can cause the child to have a low self-esteem, poor academic results when older, and ca n have a fear of developing close relationships. (chrome://newtabhttp//www. jigsaw. org. nz/Site/Help/Hot_Topics/family_violence. aspx). The long terms effects that abuse can have on the family could be that the abuser might not know they are constantly putting the child down and neglecting them, the adult may not see any harm in it.The child might show signs when they are older that they have been emotionally abused and their parents may question why they are acting or have feelings that way. The victim (child) may have no trust in adults and might not be able to form close relationships. The effects of physical and sexual abuse on the family will be if someone notices the child being abused they could report it to the agency for example CYFS (Child, Youth and Family) and the abuser could be charged against and put into jail depending on the seriousness of the abuse.The family will get a name for themselves and the family will be torn apart. (Child, Youth and Family, 2011). Child a buse can affect anyone, even children in your own community. The effects on a suspected child abuse case in the community can have both negative and positive effects. The positive effects are that the community will be aware of what is going on around them and can look out for families that may be vulnerable to abuse â€Å"The more people there are looking out for children, the safer they’ll be†(Child, Youth and Family, pg. 25).The community watch will intervene if needed but will keep a look out to see if there is any unexpected behaviour that should not be occurring. Helpful ways that the community can get involved will be listening and supporting the family, putting them in touch with people that can help. The community could send out brochures or have community group meetings that discuss abuse, what to look out for and if needed where to get help and support from. This will allow the family to feel a sense of support from the community and get the help that is ne eded.The negatives about the community suspecting could be that the family may hear gossip that is going around and feel like they are being named and discriminated against. The family may have a feeling of being ‘judged’ and from that feel isolated from everyone in the community. Children of a young age are often unaware or naive of potential danger and therefore vulnerable to abuse or bullying. Because of this it is important that children know how to protect themselves from abuse, bullying and to be aware when they could be in possible danger.The best way to protect children is to empower them to protect themselves, by doing this they need to feel good about them and then will have a high level of confidence, self-esteem and be assertive therefore making them less vulnerable to abuse and bullying. The childcare practitioner has a professional duty and responsibility to protect the welfare of the children in their care. Children should feel that they are able to come to the childcare practitioner for help and protection, but will only be able to do this once a trusting relationship has been built up between them.The childcare practitioner also has a responsibility to involve the parents in helping children to protect themselves, as the message given to the children needs to be consistent. (Beaver, et al. , 2008). One way that I would teach a child to protect themselves would be through a learning experience that involves how to take care of the babies in the centre. I will demonstrate and role model how to care for the babies by being gentle, bathing them appropriately being calm and feeding them the right foods.I will show them how to correctly hold a baby and have conversations on why you should never drop or shake a baby. From this experience children will develop awareness of what is appropriate and what is inappropriate and if you have a strong relationship with the child they may approach you and say that it’s not the way their youn ger siblings are being treated at home, this will then lead to questioning of abuse. Hide and seek is not only just a game but it can be used to prevent children from family violence, physical and sexual abuse.As a practitioner you can talk to the children about being in an uncomfortable situation for example if there is a lot of yelling or someone being hit in the household or if you ever feel unsafe to run and hide under their bed or lock themselves in the bathroom if there is a lock on the door and not to come out until it is safe. This is a hard strategy to tell children because you do not want to scare or upset the children so you have to say it in a relaxed way. This can help prevent the child from the abuser or witnessing any forms of abuse.Another strategy that I can teach would be teaching the children about their body parts and what is appropriate to touch and what is inappropriate to touch. This is a hard subject to address because you could explain to the children that n o one other than someone they trust can touch their ‘private’ areas for example when nappy changing and washing but other than that they should not touch them. â€Å"Your body is your own†. (Finkelhor, D. pg. 59, 2007). Teaching children that their body is their own and that no one can touch it without permission.Establishing open and direct communication at a very early age about sexuality and â€Å"private body parts†, using the correct names for genitals and other parts of the body, will help children understand what is and what is not allowed for adults in contact with them. This will also help them recognise embarrassing or abusive behaviour. To teach this to children I could use a board story of the body and get the children to identify each part and whether it is okay for other children and adults they don’t trust to touch them there or not, this could allow conversations to start and the children may ask questions. Finkelhor, D. 2007). Safe and unsafe touching. Teach children the difference between safe/appropriate and unsafe/inappropriate touching. Tell children it is not okay if someone looks at or touches their private parts or asks them to look at or touch someone’s private parts, and that inappropriate touches are wrong and against the law. If they are not sure whether someone else’s behaviour towards them is acceptable, make sure they know to ask a trusted adult for help. (Finkelhor, D. 2007).Early childhood teachers need to protect themselves when working in an early childhood setting to protect ourselves from allegations of child abuse. Centres should have a set of policies and procedures set in place so that parents, caregivers and whanau can view these at any time. If a child has an accidental injury it must be recorded in a book stating what happened, how you fixed it and ensure that it is signed by a witness. If a child makes false allegations against you, record the dates and time it was said and get another adult to witness if it is possible.If a child touches a teacher inappropriately, record what happened and let another adult know what happened. When you go on school trips ensure that you have enough staff for ratios. As a teacher you need to make sure you don’t place yourself in a position where you are spending a huge amount of time alone with one child this could lead to assumptions. (Beaver, et al. , 2008). If you are an early childhood teacher in a home based setting, never take a child into your bedroom or take children in the car by yourself unless you have that trust with the parent/caregiver.When changing a child’s nappy, clothing and bathing ensure that there is someone with you, most centres have see-through windows in there toileting area. When it comes toileting never wipe a child’s bottom when they are capable of doing it for themselves, avoid going on your own to the toilet with children. Keep in mind of how and where you touch a child. If a child is really young or disabled consider a cushion for your lap when they sit on your knee. If a child hugs you or kisses you be careful if it extends.If you are going out of the room with a child for example to the store room to help get paint make sure you tell another teacher or adult where you’re going and make sure you are not out there for a long period of time. Early childhood teachers need to ensure that they follow these procedures in order to protect themselves. (Beaver, et al. , 2008). Otautahi woman’s refuge is a community based, voluntary organisation that have been operating since 1989 with the purpose of supporting whanau Maori to escape family violence and move towards wellbeing.Otautahi empower and support whanau Maori and communities who choose a free life from violence and abuse in all forms. Otautahi have a safe house which is primarily for Female Maori and tamariki who are involved or in immediate family violence situations this allow s the family to be safe from harm, confidential and supervised at all times, Otautahi also have outreach support to both perpetrator and victim. They provide a 24hour seven days a week support
Thursday, November 7, 2019
30+ Old Norse Words You Already Know
30+ Old Norse Words You Already Know 30+ Old Norse Words You Already Know 30+ Old Norse Words You Already Know By Michael Probably youve never studied Conversational Viking, let alone claimed to speak it. But the language of the Vikings, Old Norse, has influenced the development of English more than any other language besides French and Latin. The Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, and Danes all spoke Old Norse in those days, usually called the Danish tongue. In the 11th century, Old Norse was the most widely spoken European language, ranging west with Leif Ericksons colony of Vinland in modern-day Canada, east with the Viking settlers on the Volga River in modern-day Russia, and south with warriors battling in modern-day Spain, Italy and North Africa. Four centuries after the Anglo-Saxons began emigrating from northern Europe, Danish Vikings began raiding Britain and had begun settling down by the year 876, plowing the land. The 14 shires dominated by Danish law in northern and eastern England were called the Danelaw. In 1016, King Canute the Great became ruler of all England, even before he became king of his native Denmark. Danish kings ruled England almost until William the Conquerer sailed from Normandy, France and became the first Norman king of England in 1066. When he did, more Norse words entered English. What did William the Conquerer have to do with the Vikings? Because Normandy means land of the north men, colonized by people such as Williams ancestor Rollo, whose real name was Hrà ³lfr. See a pattern? Today Old Norse words are most common in the Yorkshire dialect, but the Danelaw included the East Midlands, York, Essex, Cambridge, Suffolk, Norfolk, Northampton, Huntingdon, Bedford, Hertford, Middlesex and Buckingham. Old Norse words used in modern English When it comes to English words for which we are indebted to Old Norse, lets start with they, their and them. Its true. If it werent for the Vikings, we might still be using the Old English words hà ®e, heora and him instead. Or maybe not when him and them mean the same thing in a language, you know its time for a change. In fact, English received many really, really common words from Old Norse, such as give, take, get, and both. And sale, cake, egg, husband, fellow, sister, root, rag, loose, raise, rugged, odd, plough, freckle, call, flat, hale, ugly, and lake. Another Old English word that was quickly replaced was the very short word à ¦, which meant law. Today we use a longer and less ambiguously-spelled Old Norse word: law. Many English words that begin with sk or sc came from Old Norse, such as skin, sky, score, scant, scrub, scathe, and skill. Old Norse words that feature two-letter blends and a high consonant-to-vowel ratio just sound Viking to me, especially if you pronounce both letters as the Vikings originally did: knife, snare, snub, wrong, bread, dwell, bask, dream, steak, stammer, and especially thwart. Old Norse words that meant something slightly different English word, with original Old Norse meaning anger trouble, affliction, which can make a person angry bait snack, food eaten at work. Now means food used to catch fish, wild animals, and susceptible people. bask similar to the Old Norse word meaning â€Å"to bathe†berserk either from bear-shirt (frenzied warriors wearing a bearskin shirt) or bare-shirt (frenzied warriors wearing no shirt) blunder to shut one’s eyes; to stumble about blindly bulk partition; cargo, as in the nautical term bulkhead crawl to claw. Crawling up a steep slope may require clawing. dirt excrement. Appropriately so. gang any group of men, as in modern Danish, not necessarily dangerous gawk to heed, as in paying too much attention gift dowry, a kind of wedding gift. In modern Danish, gift means wedding. haggle to chop. It amuses me to imagine how this word came to mean vigorous bargaining. hap, happy chance, good luck, fate. Apparently the Vikings didnt believe that happiness is a choice. lake to play, which is what many people do at a lake. A famous Danish toy manufacturer is called Lego. litmus from the Old Norse words litr (dye) and mosi (moss), used as a chemical test for acidity and alkalinity. muck cow dung. An English dairy farmer may say he needs to muck out, or clean, his barn. muggy drizzle, mist. Today it means severely humid. rive to scratch, plow, tear. A poet might write about his heart being riven in two. scathe to hurt, injure. Only the opposite word, unscathed, is common. Gang members never say, You come near me, Im gonna scathe you. seem to conform. Think about that for a while. skill distinction. If you are skilled, you might earn distinction. sleuth trail. The sleuth is always on the trail for clues. snub to curse. When youre snubbed or ignored, you might feel cursed. sprint to jump up, one of the keys to winning in a sprint. stain to paint. Not the same thing at your paint store. stammer to hinder; to dam up, as in a flow of words steak to fry. Could the Vikings have introduced chicken fried steak to the American South? No. thrift prosperity. If you have thrift, perhaps prosperity will follow. thwart across, which has kept a similar meaning for sailors window wind-eye or in Old Norse, vindauga. A treasure of a word. Old English words that meant something different before the Vikings bread In Old English, bread meant â€Å"bit, piece, morsel†but in Old Norse, bread meant bread. We get our word loaf from the Old English word for bread which it replaced. die Before the Vikings, die meant starve dream Before the Vikings, dream meant â€Å"joy, mirth, noisy merriment, even music. dwell Before the Vikings, dwell meant both â€Å"go astray and tarry. Im still trying to figure that one out. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and Times10 Techniques for More Precise WritingHow to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Choose an Immigration Lawyer
How To Choose an Immigration Lawyer Theres a fair bit of paperwork to get done during the immigration process, and you may feel overwhelmed when you first sit down to prepare your immigration forms. You might begin to wonder if you need to hire an immigration lawyer to manage the process. However, if your case is fairly straightforward, you should be able to manage things on your own. There are good reasons, though, to hire an immigration lawyer to handle your case. If you run into a snag partway through the process, you might need legal assistance to work through the issue. If your immigration situation is complicated, or if you simply dont have the time or confidence to prepare the forms yourself, you might benefit from the help of an immigration lawyer. If youre going to hire an immigration lawyer, you need to do your homework. A good lawyer can be worth his or her weight in gold, while a poor one may just add to your problems. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind during your search. Get references. Ask family, friends or colleagues if they know any immigration lawyers. Even if they havent been through immigration themselves, they may be able to connect you with someone they know who has retained the services of an immigration lawyer. People are quick to recommend a good lawyer and even quicker to name a poor one, which can be a great help when youre beginning your search. Search AILA. Search for a lawyer on the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) website. AILA is a national association of lawyers and attorneys who teach and practice immigration law, so you can be reasonably certain youre dealing with someone who understands immigration law and policies. If youre starting your research from scratch, you can search for a lawyer in your area. If youve been given the names of a few lawyers, you can look them up to see if they are members. While membership in AILA is not a requirement to practice immigration law, membership can be a good indication of a lawyers level of commitment to the practice. Interview your short list. Interview potential lawyers to find one who matches your needs. Ask them if they have any experience with your type of case. Immigration law is a huge specialty, so youll want a lawyer who is familiar with your type of case. If the lawyers provide client references, use the contacts to get a better understanding of the lawyers work styles. Compare fee schedules. Some lawyers bill by the hour while others charge a flat fee. Ask if there might be additional costs such as postage, courier fees or long distance charges. Check credentials. When youre sure youve found a lawyer you feel comfortable with, theres only one thing left to do before you sign a contract for services. Contact your local state bar to find out if your lawyer is licensed and in good standing, and if he or she has ever been subject to disciplinary action.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ethics and Public Official Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics and Public Official - Essay Example According to the constitution, assuming a state statute fixes compensation and salaries of an office, the salaries and compensation will be attached to and cannot be separated from the office. In summary, the office will not return the benefits or pay of the second office, or basically refusing to accept the compensation to avoid being taken of holding two emolument civil offices. Additionally, the constitution ascertains that the entity of the government cannot eliminate the benefit or pay to a county officer to avoid the holding issue of a dual office. When Lino takes the additional duties in the Attorney’s office he will not create the violation in the second office. There is no conflict of offices if Lino decides to hold the two offices. This is because under many circumstances, an officer who enforces law is not taken to be an office for the sake of constitutional holding limitations for a dual office. Therefore, it is very possible that Lino can hold both positions as a County Commissioner and an Assistant District Attorney this is because the two offices are not categorized as incompatible. Conflicting loyalties limits the person from holding two offices simultaneously when their interest of the two entities conflict and election of a single public office would compromise other office interest. The position of a county commissioner and that of An Assistant District Attorney have no conflicting loyalties between them. This is attributed to the fact that the policy of objectives of the two offices do not conflict in any area. The compatibility doctrine between the two positions will not protect the county’s institution integrity through promotion of impaired services by the official. Additionally, according to the law, two positions have issues of conflicting loyalty when they are public offices. County Commissioner and Assistant District Attorney Position are both public offers. But
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Evaluating Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Evaluating Human resource management - Essay Example But quite often a distinction is drawn between the Human Resources Management (HRM) and the labour management concentrating on the industrial relations of the large enterprises. However in the context of globalization the pressures exerted on HRM and labour Management initiatives have really changed the nature and scope of these distinct functions. "Changes in IR practices (rather than in institutions and systems) such as increased collective bargaining at enterprise level, flexibility in relation to forms of employment as well as in relation to working time and job functions have occurred as a result of such factors as heightened competition, rapid changes in products and processes and the increasing importance of skills, quality and productivity." ( Silva) These factors also seem to have an impact on the policies and practices of the HRM. In this context this paper presents an overview on the problems of labour management to the extent it affects the growth and progress of an organization and the role of the HRM in providing effective solutions to the problems being encountered in the labour management. "Enterprises driven by market pressures need to include in their goals improved quality and productivity, greater flexibility, continuous innovation, and the ability to change to respond rapidly to market needs and demands" ( Silva). Such enhanced organizational goals increase the efforts and commitment of the HRM in realizing the management goals. For this purpose the HRM has to shift its focus to largely depend on individualism rather than collectivism that result in the alignment of the pay systems to the individual performance and skill sets. Thus realizing the improved organizational goals call for an effective change management, larger involvement of employees, increased commitment from the employee side, provision of more training, soliciting more employee participation to exhibit team work and cooperation which are all the important HR initiatives. At the same time all these can be viewed as potential industrial relations issues needing an effective labour management. With this increased responsibilities "The dominant position towards which HRM is moving points to a "change in power relations and highlights the supremacy of management. The management prerogative is rediscovered but in place of command and control the emphasis is on commitment and control as quality, flexibility and competence replaces quantity, task and dumb obedience. To put it another way: the managerial agenda is increasingly focused on innovation, quality and cost reduction. Human resource management makes more demands on employees, work is intensified .... there is less room for managerial slack and for indulgency patterns." (John Purcell) 3.0 Objectives of Labour Management and HRM: In order to have an appreciation of the ways in which HRM can provide solutions to the labour management issues, it is important to understand the basic objectives of the labour manage
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Facilities management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Facilities management - Assignment Example iness of the owner organization (e.g., the core function of a school is teaching, and custodians or HVAC system maintenance personnel are support personnel.). It is the role of the facility management function (whether it is a separate department or small team) to coordinate and oversee the safe, secure, and environmentally-sound operations and maintenance of these assets in a cost effective manner aimed at long-term preservation of the asset value, and also other janitorial duties such as making sure the environment is properly cleaned and sanitized for its tenants. In those cases where the operation of the facility directly involves the occupants and/or customers of the owner organization, the satisfactory delivery of facility-related services to these people will be an important consideration too; hence, the term "end-user satisfaction" is often used both as a goal and a measure of performance. I further explain the topic by considering a case study of â€Å"THE GHERKINS â€Å" as a high performance work place to make the topic clearly understandable with examples that what are the key features that collectively cover the facility management field . CASE STUDY: The beautiful and exumberant 30 St Mary Axe, also famous as the Gherkin and the Swiss ReBuilding, is a skyscraper in Londons main financial district, the City of London . It was constructed in December 2003 and inaugurated in may 2004 . The building of 30 St Mary is situated on the former site of the Baltic Exchange building and it was designed by Norman Foster an his business partner Ken Shuttleworth and Arup Engineers and was erected by Skanska . The building consists of 40 floors and the building tower is 190 metres tall The eye-catching location of 30 St Mary makes it prominent for the beholders and its location is perfect for commercial and business purpose . As it is located at the centre of London’s financial district there are a number of major transport hubs , wide range of restaurants ,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Benefits Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay
Benefits Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Effects of Water Pollution: The effects of water pollution are wide-ranging and these are highly dependent upon the type of chemicals that are dumped into the major water sources. Water pollution has an adverse effect on plants and creatures living in the water. In nearly all situations, the effect is destructive not only to the areas and individual species, but also to the natural biological populations. Sources of Water Pollution: The sources of water contamination are classified as being a point source or a non-point source of contamination. Point Source: Point sources of contamination take place when the damaging substance is produced straight into the stream. Example of a Point Source: A pipe spewing toxic substances straight into a waterway is an example. Non-Point Source: A non-point source takes place while there is run-off of contaminants into a river. Example of a Non-Point Source: When fertilizer from a field is carried into a river by surface run-off. Cost of Water Pollution: In the leading inclusive evaluation of its kind, the SEI (Stockholm Environment Institute), grounded at Tufts University, has presented a white paper with a title Valuing Floridas Clean Water. The document discovers that plankton and red tide outbreaks produced by water contamination cost the Floridians around 1.3 billion dollars to 10.5 billion dollars every year. The EPA will decide soon either to accept the state-written water contamination plan or to step in with more powerful federal rules and administration. Why the Cost of Water Pollution is Measured: Water that is fresh in our sources, ponds, rivers, coves and oceanic masses provides clean water, numerous fish, oyster and crab populations, enjoyable and safe swimming and boating prospects and various other advantages, for example attractive water views, increased values of property and healthier aquatic life. When this fresh water becomes contaminated through excess sediments, nutrients or poisonous chemicals, it requires the cleaning up water and minimizing the chances for the occurrence of contamination. Moreover, there are several other expenses that result to travel and leisure loss, recreational and fisheries-based financial systems, the difficult-to-value and the property values, but impossible to substitute environments, animals and plants that are really dependent upon healthier waters. Benefits of Water Pollution: There can be various advantages to certain kinds of fish or sea creatures. Such as, a species of carp may not be impacted much by contaminated water, but a trout-fish will die from the contamination. Therefore, the carp will possess the advantage by having no other fish to contest with for finding the food and region. Hence, the carp specie will grow in a better way. Though, there are valuable things that are the reasons for the occurrence of water contamination. Manufacturing plants, energy production plants, oil drilling rigs and chemical manufacturers all offer powerful advantages to community, but unfortunately, this leads to serious water contamination. However the contamination is not valuable, the reason is, and hence cannot be done away with. Such as, would we slightly have oil or amazingly clean oceans? Noticeably, oil is more valuable in that case. This is the major reason why there is contamination control which helps to minimize the disadvantages. There are advantages to the polluters as well. It is less expensive to release the waste products into the closest water resource or soil as compared to process or treat that rubbish. However, this is not a benefit to humankind in general. Problems of Water Pollution: Various water systems near metropolitan areas (towns and cities) are highly contaminated. This is the outcome of both rubbish thrown out by people and dangerous substances lawfully or unlawfully thrown out by production sectors, health industries, educational institutions and market places. The major issue caused by water contamination is that it destroys the life of living organisms that are based on these water bodies. Crabs, dead fish, sea gulls and birds, dolphins, whales, and various other creatures usually wind up on seashores, killed by contaminants in their environment (living environment). Pollution also interrupts the natural food chain. Pollutants for example cadmium and lead are eaten by tiny creatures. Then, these creatures are consumed by shell-fish and fish, and hence the food chain carries on being disturbed at all advanced levels. Ultimately, people are also impacted by this process. The human beings can get illnesses for example liver disease by the consumption of poisoned sea-food. In any third world countries, there is always occurrence of cholera and illnesses due to the inadequate water treatment from infected waters. Ecosystems (the collaboration of living organisms at a place, based on one another other for life) can be seriously changed or damaged by water contamination. Several areas are now being exaggerated with reckless human contamination, and this pollution is returning to hurt people in several ways.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Napoleons Farwell Address Speech Analysis -- essays research papers
Napoleon’s Farewell Address To The Old Guard A truly dramatic moment in history occurred on April 20, 1814, as Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and would-be ruler of Europe said goodbye to the Old Guard after his failed invasion of Russia and defeat by the Allies. By that time, Napoleon had ruled France and surrounding countries for twenty years. Originally an officer in the French Army, he had risen to become Emperor among the political chaos following the French Revolution in which the old ruling French kings and nobility had been destroyed. Napoleon built a 500,000 strong Army, which used modern tactics and improvisation in battle to sweep across Europe and acquire an Empire for France. But in 1812, the seemingly invincible Napoleon made the fateful decision to invade Russia. He advanced deep into that vast country, eventually reaching Moscow in September. He found Moscow had been burned by the Russians and could not support the hungry French Army over the long winter. Thus Napoleon was forced to begin a long retreat, and saw his army decimated to a mere 20,000 men by the severe Russian winter and chaos in the ranks. England, Austria, and Prussia then formed an alliance with Russia against Napoleon, who rebuilt his armies and won several minor victories over the Allies, but was soundly defeated in a three-day battle at Leipzig. On March 30, 1814, Paris was captured by the Allies. Napoleon then lost the support of most of his generals and was forced to abdicate on Apr...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
3D Animation Research
Introduction The Computers have revolutionized the practical technologies in our daily lives. T.V, microwaves, phones, air-conditioning and almost every other technology uses computer technology in some form or another. Similarly, it has influenced the art, creating a new line of digital artists. Animation; the visual story-telling art, was born when the art met the technology. Animated filmmaking and visual storytelling are grown into multi-billion dollar entertainment need. The leading animation firm Pixar's intern experiences page states:†One day, we had lunch with Ed Catmull, the President and Co-Founder of Pixar. He told us that we are and always will be a storytelling company. Our job is to make timeless stories that inspire people, make them cry and make them laugh. We are not here to just make a quick buck†¦ [Pixar] is much more than just a cool place to work. It is a place where you can live out your childhood dreams of storytelling and filmmaking, and know that your hard work is inspiring people of all ages, all over the world.†According to Dave Kehr- â€Å"Animation, the art of making inanimate objects appear to move. Animation is an artistic impulse that long predates the movies†. Animation has existed for over one hundred years and is not limited just by computer animation. The computer acts as a tool for artists to develop creative ideas. Paintings, drawings, sketches and initial 2D Photoshop computer graphics are the styles which lead to 3D animation. In Adobe Photoshop, scanned sketches are manipulated by adding or removing layers, blending until the desired artistic look is acquired. Initially, storyboards and low-resolution 3D characters are created to eliminate the possible problems and to enhance the design in the process. Once the story is finalized with scene details, characters and sets, the 3D work of the animated project can begin. Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3Ds Max, Avid Softimage XSI and Houdini are some of the software that artists use to refine the work. At the end of the animation process, the final sets of images are rendered. These images are played together in sequence at a rate of 24 frames per second to create the final animated film.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Pocari Sweat Essay
This assignment deals with advertising and it’s concepts. So to start off we’d like to explain certain terms: Advertising is more than just a means of disseminating product information. It is a primary communication tool of our economic system and our culture. In other words it could be defined as †a purposive communication to a target market, which assists in selling by drawing attention to the characteristics of a product which will appeal to the buying motives of customers in the target segment of the market†. Advertising is mainly used for the following purposes: To support sales increase; To encourage trial; To create awareness; To inform about a feature or benefit; To create an image; To modify attitudes; To gain trade and sales staff support. There are three different kinds of advertisements: (1) Informative advertisement: This advertisement conveys information and raises consumer awareness of the product. These are common in early stages of the product life cycle. (2) Persuasive advertising: This advertisement is concerned with creating a desire for the product and stimulating actual purchase. This is mostly used for well-established products, which are in growth/maturity stages of the product life cycle. (3) Reminding advertising: It is to remind consumers about the product or organization, or the benefits they (consumers) are receiving from buying the product. Advertising has an ethical and moral responsibility to deal honestly with its portrayal of society. Individual companies are judged by their own advertising, and the effectiveness of advertising is dependent on the overall attitude of customers towards advertising generally. (Q) What does advertising do for consumers? One of the most important roles of advertising is showing people how to solve problems. Effective advertising must start from premises, â€Å"Does my product help people?†The major trend in modern advertising is making the consumer the focus of the marketing process. Organizations find that starting with the consumer creates a relationship in which products are designed for the consumers rather than having to convince consumers that a preexisting product is the one they want. (Q) What does advertising does for business? Without advertising, businesses would not be able to bring new products to the attention of enough consumers fast enough to make the enormous cost of creating, developing, manufacturing, and distributing the products practical. In other words, advertising is both a tool and requirement of an abundant economy. (Q) What does advertising does for society? Advertising has both intended and unintended results. Obviously, the intended result of most advertising is to contribute to the profitable sales of product. In addition to its economic role, advertising revenues support a diverse and independent press system protected from government and special interest control. As a key communication link in the process, it also is a major stimulant to vigorous economic growth and stability. However, there is a growing awareness that advertising must move beyond single-minded concerns with profitability. There is increasing agreement that advertising must be created in an atmosphere that considers a number of ethical factors. A recent survey of advertising agency executives found that they faced six major ethical considerations in conducting business: 1. Treating clients fairly; 2. Creating honest, no misleading, socially desirable ads; 3. Representing unhealthy, useless, or unethical products; 4. Representing clients whose products/services are unhealthy and unneeded; 5. Treating suppliers, vendors, and media fairly; 6. Treating other agencies fairly. It is to the benefit of advertising and society in general that ethical issues are in the forefront of discussion concerning the practice of advertising. Now that we have seen what advertising is and how it deals with various people and organizations it is easy to set the objectives of advertising. These are likely to be the following: To communicate certain information about a product. This is perhaps the most important objective. To highlight specific features of a product which make it different from the competitors. The concept of the unique selling proposition (USP) is that by emphasizing a unique feature, which appeals to a customer need. To build up a brand or company image through corporate advertising. To reinforce customer behavior. Influencing dealers and resellers to stock the items (on as much shelf-space as possible). In case of government advertising. To achieve a policy objective. A successful ad: The content of an advertisement is determined largely by the objective of the advertising and the motivation of the potential customer. An advertisement should present information, which leads to a greater awareness of the product. It should be an attention-getter and may excite amusement or emotions such as fear, but inciting these feelings should not be allowed to be the only effect of the advertisement. Advertising will be most successful if the following conditions apply: a) The product should have characteristics, which lend themselves to advertising. 1. It should be distinctive and identifiable. 2. It should stimulate emotional buying. 3. If at point of sale a customer can refute an advertisement claim simply by inspecting the product, advertising will achieve no sales at all. b) There should be consistency throughout the sales operation. Advertising, the activities of salesperson and dealers, branding, packaging and pricing should all promote the same product image. c) There should be co-operation between advertising staff and all other activities in the company. Product design, production, distribution, selling and financial operations should all combine to achieve customer orientation and maximum selling efficiency. After all the facts now let’s move on to our product and its advertisement. We have chosen POCARI SWEAT as our product. A Japanese company known as Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. launched Pocari Sweat in 1980. Under the company philosophy, â€Å"Otsuka – meaning – people creating new products for better health worldwide†, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. is an R&D-oriented corporation with a central focus on pharmaceuticals and consumer products. Through innovative products, OPC hopes to make a difference in curing illnesses and maintaining people’s everyday health. The name POCARI SWEAT is a JAPLISH word (Japanese & English). ‘POCARI’ sounds relaxing, easeful, and light to Japanese people. It doesn’t mean any English word. We know that ‘SWEAT’ has dirty image in English. Then why did the company use such a word?†Actually ‘SWEAT’ has meanings of diligence, efforts, and refreshing ness in Japan, which shows their importance to work, their culture and belief. So that’s how the word came – POCARI SWEAT! Most of Japanese people call POCARI SWEAT as â€Å"POCARI.†We rarely call its full name. We suppose that people have western-like image to â€Å"sweat†especially; Since, POCARI SWEAT has been a very famous and popular name, they (the company) cannot change its name. This company also manufactures various other products like: Ornamin-C (Energy Drink), Calorie Meter (Diet Drink), Energen and Fast Break (energy drinks). Company Name Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Head Office 2-9 Kanda Tsukasa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8535, Japan Phone: +81-3-3292-0021 Date Established August 10, 1964 President Tatsuo Higuchi Capital 6 billion yen Employees 5,224 (As of April 1, 2002) Business Description Manufacturing, Distributing, Exporting, Importing of pharmaceuticals, Clinical testing equipment, Medical equipment, and Food products. Domestic Establishments 17 branch offices/50 district offices 16 research institutions 2 clinical research laboratory 6 factories POCARI SWEAT A WORLDWIDE BRAND! DID YOU KNOW The human body has a very high water content: 60% for the average adult, and approximately 70% for a child. This water component is known as body fluid, and contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium ions. WATER content in a child and adult body. The composition of POCARI SWEAT is similar to that of our own body fluids. It contains just the right amount of those electrolytes – such as sodium and potassium ions – that our body loses when it loses water. It’s also gentler on our body and more easily absorbed than ordinary water. And it doesn’t harm the important balance of body fluids. CONTENTS OF POCARI SWEAT Pocari Sweat plays a vital role in human body after consuming it. Every day we loose about 2.5 liters of water through urinating, sweating and breathing, while we intake approximately the same amount through food and drink. Body fluids automatically regulate this loss and intake of water: balancing the two is vital to the maintenance of a healthy body. Pocari does just that after playing sports, working out in a gym, practicing yoga or long tiring dances lessons. This will be clear from the following diagram: Graph showing daily loss and intake of water in a human body Now that we have seen various graphs that how dangerous can it be if we loose water in plenty. Well now that OPC (the company) has launched Pocari Sweat there is no fear of loosing excess water. Consuming Pocari not only gives a refreshing feeling but also prevents loss of fluid from our body. It will be clear from another graph, which follows: Comparison of how Pocari Sweat prevents the loss of body fluids The composition of POCARI SWEAT is similar to that of our own body fluids. It contains just the right amount of electrolytes – such as sodium and potassium ions – that your body loses when it loses water. It’s also gentler on our body and more easily absorbed than ordinary water. And it doesn’t harm the important balance of body fluids. This graph shows clearly the performance of POCARI SWEAT. POCARI SWEAT COMPETITION By now you’d wonder that who are competitors of POCARI SWEAT? Well the real answer according to Otsuka Pharmaceuticals is that POCARI SWEAT real competitor is PLAIN WATER and not energy drinks! Many would disagree to it but it’s the truth. People would say that Pocari faces a huge competition with the energy drinks available in the U.A.E like the Red-Bull, Isostar, Blue Ox, Flying Horse etc. Well according the product agencies in the U.A.E. they mention that Pocari is not an energy drink but it’s a REHYDRATION DRINK. The product (Pocari Sweat) agents in U.A.E are AL MAYA LAL’S LLC. To prove the above statement that Pocari Sweat is a rehydration drink the following picture of Pocari’s can, which clearly shows it: In reality, Pocari Sweat is a rehydration drink, which is very similar to baby rehydration fluid. The label on the bottle clarifies: This close up is taken from the can Past advertisements Pocari Sweat had made many ads in Japan, which is shown mainly in other Eastern Asian countries, they were a huge hit there but the company have failed to make an impact with them in the Western countries, that is why the product is not much known and the popularity is not much as it have in Japan and other neighboring countries. The companies previous ads were focused mainly on sports, they had many famous celebrities, models and artists in their ads, some of them are: Cindy Crawford (model), Nancy Adrew (stunt actress and model), Tikeshi (model), and Myo Chin Haut (model) etc. The concepts, which the company wanted to show people through its ad, were amazing and very creative, shot very beautifully under water. The first which showed two men playing tennis under water; the second big ad was during the Football World Cup held in Japan, which obviously had to be a soccer ad. Lately, the company has shot an ad keeping in mind how trendy and energetic are today’s teenagers; they have a skate boarder skating (which are attached with color cans), as he goes two and fro on the ramp it creates graffiti. (This ad is not available on the net; the concept was taken from the following link: this site also contains previous football ads made by the company. In-short after our research we feel that the company and the agents of POCARI SWEAT in the U.A.E and the Middle East should emphasize more on advertising. The product is doing fine as we can see that most of our samples drink it after some activity, with 1-2 cans at a time, they find it really refreshing and energetic, and end up with the results as â€Å"good overall performance†. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Newspapers/Magazines: Gulf News, Khaleej Times, Fortune 500, Forbes. Text Books: Advertising and Sales Promotion Techniques by Gerard J. Tellis Advertising Procedure by J. Thomas Russell, W. Ronald, 14th Edition Marketing Management by Philip Kotler 11th Edition Marketing HND/HNC Edexcel textbook, BPP Publishing Websites:
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